*디지털과 아날로그의 접점 [ jana winderen + MARC FORNES / THEVERYMANY ] situation room in NY

디지털과 아날로그의 접점을 연결하다. 뉴욕 스토어프론트에 설치된 핑크컬러 오브제의 지향점은 디지털 패브릭케이션의 실질적인 효용성 및 합리적인 구현 방법에 있다. 파라메트릭 디자인의 한계? 패브릭케이션의 극복은 전시장 내부를 가득 메우는 핑크 물결 속에 다양한 공간적 체험으로 사라진다. -형광물질이 첨가된 핑크컬러가 200여개의 메탈 조각에 파우더 도장된다.- 파라메트릭 디자인에 대한 현실적인 대안은 무작위적인 형상 구현이 아닌 실질적인(무형의 기능과 유형의 형상을 만족시키는) 효용성 확보가 될때 비로서 합리적인 당위성을 갖게된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

as a union of digital and tangible processes, oslo-based artist jana winderen and architect MARC FORNES / THEVERYMANY, have infilled new york’s storefront for art and architecture with an immersive sound and light object. titled ‘situation room’, the work comprises an intricate web of parametrically generated shapes, undulating and stretching from the exhibition space’s floor to ceiling and colored in a near-florescent pink powder coating. visitors activate the installation by walking and crawling within the bulbous network of passageways, apertures and tunnels made from 2000 unique parts, while abstract geometries punctured in the exterior skin allow for an interplay between the shadowy outer room and luminous interior chamber.

all images © miguel de guzmán

situation room by jana winderen and marc fornes / theverymany
fabrication: bengal.fierro
commissioned by : storefront for art and architecture
with the support of: robert rauschenberg foundation


world wide storefront​
project agents: laura castro, engel leonardo, monica de moya and maurice sanchez; hariklia hari; andrew kovacs and laurel consuelo broughton; pete & vegas; ann lui, ashley mendelsohn, larisa ovalles, craig reschke and ben widger; onya collective; maayan strauss; sandra teitge; megan torza; and mimi zeiger, leonardo bravo, river jukes-hudson and sarah lorenzen
curated by: eva franch i gilabert carlos mínguez carrasco, associate curator
graphic design and web design: pentagram, natasha jen. jeffrey waldman
programmer: pentagram, jaeyoon kim
digital-physical technology: esther sze-wing cheung and george showman  
worldwide storefront is produced by storefront for art and architecture with the support of peter guggenheimer

the site specific work reflects upon the contemporary conditions that exist within the built environment that surrounds us, specifically the adaptation of virtual elements into the physical realm. as a vibrating sound experiment, ‘situation room’ aims to transform the architecture of the gallery into an animated and multi-sensory form. as described by the team, the installation is ‘conceived as a sound object that absorbs and contrasts the site specificity of the storefront gallery with abstract, spatial, formal and acoustic variations and compositions. ‘situation NY’ raises questions about context, sensorial readings, estrangement and the uncanny tangentially resonating with contemporary debates around the ontology of objects.’

‘situation room’ is a continuation of fornes’ study and work with typologies which untie both formal and technical constraints into an immersive environmental whole. the project is presented from now until november 21st, 2014 on the occasion of the launch of the worldwide storefront.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY