*베이지 컨셉 스토어 [ Nendo ] Beige concept store

도쿄 외곽지역, 타마가와 타카시마야 쇼핑센터에 새롭게 입점한 패션브랜드 '넨도' 리테일샵의 인테리어 디자인에 지향점은 '비움'에 있다. 건축주의 다양한 요구; 인테리어 용품 판매를 위한 상점, 서고와 같은 도서관, 일반적인 이벤트와 전시를 위한 갤러리의 수용은 공간을 특성화에 따라 구분, 분절 하지 않고 오히려 하나의 균질한 백색공간으로 디자인 한다. -비움으로써 채운다?- 비워진 공간위에 자리한 7.5mm 빔은 2.05m 모듈로 배치되며 책을 위한 책장으로 옷과 가방을 위한 행거로 사용되며 공간을 유연하게 변화시킨다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The concept store designed by Nendo for fashion brand Beige newly opened in the Tamagawa Takashimaya shopping centre, in suburban Tokyo.

The brand’s owners wanted a multi-functional space that would accommodate multiple uses: a shop for selling interior goods, a library space for book-lending and a gallery space for regular events and art exhibitions in addition to the main clothing retail space.

Photography Takumi Ota

Beige concept store, Tokyo
Program: shop
Design: Nendo
Completion: 2014

Nendo considered a zoning approach with specific areas for the shop’s different elements, then decided that subdividing the already small space any further would simply clutter it. To avoid this, they chose to stratify the space vertically instead.

A 7.5mm beam 2.05m has been installed above the floor, creating an attic-like space for books. Bookends held in place magnetically prevent books from falling off the shelves. Hangers for clothing and bags are hung from the beam and can be freely moved to different places within the shop area.

A variety of unfinished, box-shaped fixtures dot the floor. These can be used as stepstools to access the book space, or as plinths for exhibiting artworks and home accessories. The use of vertical layers allowed to create a highly flexile, visually neat space.

from  domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY