*에르메스 상하이 멘션 [ RDAI ] Hermès Shanghai

에르메스 상하이 멘션 리노베이션은 20세기 초에 건립된 고풍스러운 건물의 이미지 재고(기존 공간에 대한 존중)와 패션 브랜드의 고유한 캐릭터 구축을 목표로 디자인된다. 기존 건축물의 장점; 주변 가로환경을 조망하는 발코니, 고풍스러운 입면의 벽돌과 시멘트 입면은 현대적인 인테리어 디자인과 대조적인 구도를 이루며 공간의 품격을 형성한다. 내부공간은 크게 판매공간과 전시공간으로 구분된다. 4층은 오로지 이벤트와 전시장-박물관 퀄리를 갖는- 을 위한 장소로 사용, 이를 1층부터 연결하는 트위스트 계단을 통해 연결된다. 트위스트 계단은 에르메스의 부띠크 이미지를 표현하는 동시에 수직동선의 연결자로 제안된다. 마치 전통적인 중국 용과 같은 생김새로...

reviewed by SJ,오사

The Hermès Maison in Shanghai occupies an historic, early-20th-century building with a fine looking façade fashioned in brick and cement with balconied windows overlooking a plane-tree-lined street.

The interior design of the H-shaped, double-fronted and double-exposure building, providing 1,174 square metres of selling and exhibition space, has been entrusted to RDAI, Rena Dumas Architecture Intérieure, under the artistic direction of Denis Montel.

The entire 210-square-metre fourth floor is an event and exhibition space, of museum quality. The space inaugurated with an exhibition, The Hermès Horse, curated by Philippe Dumas, artist and member of the fifth generation of the Hermès family.

Hermès Shanghai
Project: RDAI
Area: 1174 mq
Year: 2014

After six years of renovation, including structural work on the foundations and the removal of small constructions added over the years, the building has been rehabilitated as close to its original condition as possible. The only barely perceptible change is the louvred skylights in the south side of the roof discreetly decorated with the same colour as the original terracotta.

The calm, 340-square-metre open space, at the first floor, is broken up by the staircase, a key feature in Hermès boutiques, which twists from east to west with a soft curve, a little like a Chinese dragon. With the staircase as its head, its trunk and tail form a ribbon of pale-pink-painted walls, which divide the space, hinting at the circulation through the different métiers and breaking the rigidity of the square walls.

from  domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY