*어반 퍼블릭 파크 [ Peter Elliott Architecture + Urban Design ] A’Beckett Urban Square

지역주민 및 학생들을 위한 팝업 공간이 제공된다. 스완스톤 아카데미 빌딩 뒷편, 여러해 동안 RMIT 대학의 야외 주차장으로 사용되었던 공터를 새롭게 리노베이션하여 다양한 스포츠 시설과 여가, 휴게를 즐길 수 있는 매력적인 도시 공용공간으로 탈바꿈 시킨다. 이는 지역 커뮤니티 활성화를 위한 장의 형성으로 활동적인 스포츠 공간과 여가를 즐길 수 있는 휴게공간으로 제공된다. 총 2,800sqm 면적, 농구 또는 배구와 같은 구기종목을 위한 스포츠 코트와 관중석, 탁구대 그리고 각종 휴게관련 시설물이 배치된다. -바베큐시설, 벤치 및 테이블, 조경 식생, 자전거보관대 및 와이파이 등이 준비된다.- 추후 개발사업에 따라 변경을 감안하여 설치 및 디자인은 가변성과 해체가능한 설치물이 적용되었다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Peter Elliott Architecture + Urban Design: A’Beckett Urban Square is a temporary ‘pop-up’ recreational space that has become an instant magnet for students and young urban dwellers. Located behind the Swanston Academic Building the site had been used by RMIT University for many years as an open air car park. While the site awaits redevelopment, RMIT has generously opted to turn this underutilised and derelict space into a publically-accessible 2,800 square metre ‘pop-up’ park incorporating multi-use sports courts with spectator seating, table tennis, BBQ facilities, bike parking, Wi-Fi, plants in tubs and places to sit and relax.

Typically ‘pop-ups’ occupy leftover and underutilised spaces through the use of recycled materials and the clever adaption of everyday found objects. They are often gritty spaces that are curated rather than designed. A’Beckett Urban Square was conceived as a piece of urban theatre carved out of the surrounding city, which is framed by new residential towers, multi-level car parks and RMIT academic buildings.

The design approach was purposefully lean, developing upon the idea of a temporary and demountable installation. It is an active place for casual recreation, mainly for ball sports like basketball and volleyball. It is a place to socialise, relax and watch people. There is a playful use of bold colours and graphics on the ground plane to distinguish the active hard zones from passive soft zones.

A specially commissioned large-scale artwork by Melbourne artist Ash Keating, wraps the site on two sides. This work, titled Natural System Response, provides an engaging and energetic backdrop to the space with abstract swaths of verdant greens, searing reds and fluorescent oranges covering walls several metres high. Keating created the murals to represent the idea of an urban forest and a desert landscape, using airless spray from pressurised, paint-filled fire extinguishers.

from  landezine


Designed by JB FACTORY