*스포츠 파크 [ WES Landscape Architecture ] The Sports Park, Bremen

스포츠 시설을 포함한 랜드스케이프 파크, Überseepark는 Überseestadt시의 도심 재개발 사업의 일환으로 기존 장소성으로 부터 이격된 주거단지와 상업용 빌딩의 속성을 부여 받는다. 또한 도심지로 부터 팀버 포트 빌딩으로의 확장을 꾀하며 지형을 이용한 조경디자인으로 고유한 캐릭터를 창출한다. 여기에 스포츠와 게임을 위한 시설이 추가된다. (두개의 잔디공원과 운동장)

공원의 북동측은 스포츠파크의 핵심구역으로 스케이트 보드 및  GMX 자전거를 위한 도로와 콘크리트로 구축된 웅덩이?, 조형물이 또다른 랜드스케이프로 조성된다. 활동적인 공간적 특징은 도로와 조형물간에 막힘없는 흐름을 유도하는 열린 디자인으로 다이나믹한 형상과 전체 공원을 감상할 수 있는 좌석이 한스텝 걸쳐 배치된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

WES Landscape Architecture: The Überseepark, a naturally designed landscape park with sports facilities, is located within the development structure of the Überseestadt, which is characterised by residential and administration buildings, as well as existing, older, port industry buildings. The Überseepark stretches from the Weserdeich to the timber port buildings and is characterised by its topographical design, in which the sports and games facilities are embedded, with two small playing fields of green artificial grass and a playground.

In the north-east of the park, enclosed by gently inclining paths, is a skateboard facility, which is divided into a street and bowl facility. The street facility, used by skateboard and GMX riders, flows seamlessly into the bowl facility, a modulated “Noguchi landscape made of concrete”. At its head there is a step that serves as seating and allows for a wonderful view across the entire park. The strong, bastion-like edge of the park is characterised by a pine grove. This pine tree cultivation is supplemented in the south by rowan trees, birch trees and common oaks and further south by a loose spread of blossoming trees. Here, the pine trees have been completely replaced by broad-leafed trees and shrubs, which define the plant scenario in the direction of the Weser River and the Überseepromenade.

from  landezine


Designed by JB FACTORY