*해안선 강화를 통한 지역경제 활성화 [ OKRA ] Katwijk Coastal Defence

바다와 대지의 열악한 연결고리를 강화시키기 위한 해안선 재개발 프로젝트는 환경성 확보는 물론 지역경제 발전을 위한 도시공간 확장에 더 많은 의의를 두고 있다. 기존도시의 잔재적 가치를 상승시킴으로써 지역경제 부흥을 위한 관광사업 육성을 꾀한다. 이를 위해 도시 인프라 확충; 지하 주차장, 연결 산책로, 제방은 물론 수변가의 자연환경을 새롭게 정비한다. -자연과 도시를 연결하는 모래언덕에 새로운 랜드스케이프를 디자인 한다.-

reviewed by SJ,오사

For the past ten years the Rijkswaterstaat, the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, have been working to strengthen some weak links in the coast. Alongside building the required coastal defence, the coast zone investments also ensure that Katwijk remains a tourist destination and supporting the local economy of seaside towns. With the need to strengthen the Katwijk coast, care is taken to preserve the value of the existing town and, ultimately, how this can also be made stronger.

Relation Between Town and Beach

In an interactive planning process OKRA defined the most important values of Katwijk; namely the relationship between the village and the beach. The chosen dyke-in-dune coastal defences, a stone-lined embankment covered and reinforced by dunes, sufficient low dunes would be built with minimal disruption between town and beach. With this construction the City Katwijk could also realise an underground parking garage behind the dyke.

Natural Dune Landscape

The dyke and garage are completely hidden from view by natural-looking dunes. An extensive network of paths has been built to connect village and beach, offering views of the sea. The highlight of the design is a broad dune transition that serves as a welcome space and event plaza, in total forming a vibrant heart for the coast of Katwijk coast.

from  landezine


Designed by JB FACTORY