*브라운 하트 가든, 도시정원 [ BDP ] Brown Hart Gardens

장소를 재구성하다. 역사적인 지하철 역사,Grade II listed의 상부, 그라운드 레벨에 위치한 도시공용 광장은 이제 지역주민을 위한 정주공간으로, 이곳을 방문하는 여행객과 쇼핑객들을 위한 목적동선으로 재구성된다. 이를 위해 글래스 파사드로 디자인된 플랫폼은 지면으로 리프트업되며 가변형으로 제작된 맞춤형 플랜터와 스트리트퍼니쳐가 도시정원;브라운 하트 가든에 재배치된다. 또한 다양한 도시행사를 지원하는 다목적공간으로 제공된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Brown Hart Gardens, designed by BDP on behalf of Grosvenor is a historically sensitive elevated public square on top of the roof of a Grade II listed substation. A new accessible stair and glazed platform lift draws shoppers and tourists toward the new destination, and offers a relaxing contemplative environment away from the nearby crowds of Oxford Street. People and plants are key to the rejuvenation of the space. Reconfigurable bespoke planters and furniture create a flexible space that provides for a wide variety of uses, and the new cafe integrates seamlessly with the landscape environment allowing use all year round.

Project Name: Brown Hart Gardens
Location: Mayfair, London, UK
Designers: BDP masterplanning, architecture, landscape architecture & lighting designers
Images: © BDP/Sanna Fisher-Payne
Client: Grosvenor
Construction cost: £3.2m
Year Completed: 2013
Awards: London Planning Awards (Winner: Best New Public Space) 2014
Civic Trust Award (Regional Finalist) 2014
New London Award (Commendation) 2014
RICS Regional Award (Finalist) 2014

from  landezine


Designed by JB FACTORY