*마그다스 호텔 인 비엔나 [ AllesWirdGut ] magdas hotel, Vienna

호텔 디자인의 시작은 과거의 시간을 참조한 레트로 디자인으로 부터 출발하되, 불필요한 인습에 얽매이지 않는 거주환경 구현을 목표로 한다. 호텔은 두개의 그룹을 위한 거주공간으로 구성된다.
먼저, 도시여행자, 비엔나 관광방문객, 그리고 비행기 환승을 위해 잠시 거주하는 환승객을 위한 호텔객실과 도시정원(어반 파크)의 전망을 함께 제공한다. 그리고 나란히, 자신의 의지와 상관없이 난민이 된 (부모를 잃은) 젊은 청소년들을 위한 생활공간을 함께 배치한다.-2014년부터 시작, 카리타스시가 지원하는 (부모없이 오스트리아로 망명한)25명의 청소년을 위한 임시거처와 워크스페이스가 제공된다.-

건축환경을 구축을 위해 (60년대 양로원이였던) 기존 건물의 과거로 부터 재사용 가능한 요소(단순한 개조를 통한 요소들도 포함)와 폐기 또는 새롭게 만들어야 하는 요소들를 구분한다. 그리고 여기에 현대적인 거주공간으로 접목시킨다. 이러한 인테리어 공간은; 로비, 레스토랑과 바, 호텔 객실과 아파트먼트는 기존부재들과 새롭게 재발견된 재료들 그리고 이를 색다르게 결합한 디자인이 적용되며, 절제된 디자인 속에 우아한 컬러의 컨셉과 (조화롭게 과거와 현재를 접목한)웰-매치된 개별적인 가구들이 포인트를 이룬다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

A hotel with an unconventional concept and an inspiring history that is operated to professional standards – this is how the most recent project of AllesWirdGut Architects initiated by magdas, the social business subsidiary of Caritas Austria, can be described.

The hotel rooms are available to city travelers, tourists in Vienna and overnight trippers, each with a view of the Prater park landscape. Living side by side with the hotel guests are young people who, however, did not travel of their own free will, but are refugees who were left no choice by hunger, war, persecution, and torture in their home countries.

Program: hotel
Architects: AllesWirdGut
Project architect: Johanna Aufner
Collaborators: Andrea Zuniga Espinoza, Simon Höbel
Engineers: 3:0 Landschaftsarchitektur
Client: magdas
Cost: 1,5 M €
Area: 6,460 sqm
Completion: February 2015

The hotel accommodates two residential units for living communities. Supported by the Caritas, 25 young persons who came to Austria without their parents as refugees have been living here already since November 2014. For them, the hotel is a temporary place to stay, and for some, it is also a workplace.

The core part of what used to be a retirement home dates back to the 1960s. The existing building was largely preserved and merely refurbished, adapted and brought to modern safety standards. Everybody involved was called upon to come up with creative solutions, not only in financing, but also in design.

In the design the interior spaces – lobby, restaurant and bar, hotel rooms, and apartments – AllesWirdGut used existing pieces, found objects, and an ingenious mix of elements.

The reduced, well-matched and elegant color concept that informs the visible surfaces is accentuated with distinctive individual furnishings, pieces with a past and finds with a history. Caritas’ own carla thrift store was a rich source here, as was furniture left behind by former residents or donated to the project by the local population.

What once had been pretty conservative built-in closets was remodeled under the supervision of Daniel Büchel into tables, nightstands, and wall coat racks. Uneven walls were revamped using the proven technique of pattern roller painting.

Work tables with “tags” from students of the St. Pölten New Design University were adapted for the hotel lobby and the restaurant.

In the future, the ground floor will serve several purposes, as an entrance area and lobby for hotel guests, a shared living room for the young people staying in the house, and a bar and restaurant for visitors – a contribution to the integration of “foreigners,” whether they may be guests, customers, or refugees.

from  domusweb


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