*여가를 위한 오두막 [ Kunik de Morsier architectes ] Hut Near the Lac de Joux

스위스 쥬라, de Joux호수 근처에 위치한 오두막(하우스)는 지형적 특징; 스키 슬로프, 하이킹 코스 그리고 자전거 루트를 십분 활용,(활동적인 여가활동을 즐기기 좋은 지리적 특징) 내외부가 밀착된 거주환경을 구현한다. 이는 목조주택이 갖는 친환경성과 주변 지형을 투영한 배치에서 부터 시작된다. -주변 경사지형을 따라 단처리된 4개의 석축 기단중 하나에 자리-

1층은 가족들의 주 생활공간; 거실 및 주방과 외부로 확장 가능한 작업공간이 배치된다. 2층에는 4개의 침실과 욕실 그리고 이 개인공간 사이를 부드럽게 연계하는 공용공간; TV실, 만화책 및 잡지를 위한 작은 서재, 아이들을 위한 작은 놀이공간이 배치된다.

전체가 나무로 이루어진 오두막은 프레임과 벽을 서로 밀착시켜 단단히 고정하는 혁신적인 목조공법과 기존공법을 병행함으로써 경제적이며 효율적인 구축과 지속가능한 환경을 함께 구현한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

It is in the very special geography of the Swiss Jura, near the Lac de Joux (which freezes over in Winter), close to the ski slopes, hiking trails and bike routes where the R. family wished to settle. It is in this very special universe that the architects designed a singular space in response to the location and needs of the family by establishing strong relationships between inner spaces and territory.

Architects: Kunik de Morsier architectes
Location: Rue du Mollendruz, 1342 L’Abbaye,
Area: 160.0 sqm
Year: 2015
Photographs: Eik Frenzel

Collaborators: Guillaume de Morsier, Valentin Kunik
Wood Timber Engineer: Charpente Concept
Timber: Aubert construction bois sàrl
Wood Work: Etienne Berney SA

The ground floor adapts to the natural terrain’s gentle slope with four steps that follow the exceptional stone formation surrounding the hut. This delicate adjustment to the topography allows collective spaces such as the living room, the kitchen or the workshop to open to the outside. The hut doesn’t favor one direction but rather a 360-degree relationship with the lake, the surrounding mountains, and the pastures.

Above this mineral soil, as if suspended in the air, are four bedrooms and a bathroom. Between these closed private cells are other shared spaces such as an office, TV space, comics library and a large play area for children. Collective spaces take advantage of three-dimensional space and give the house its richness and light.

Built entirely out of wood, the hut uses an original and innovative construction system where the framing and walls fit together and slide into each other. The façade is made of larch, the structure made of larch and fir, the insulation made of wood fibers and the partition walls made of fir panels.  Wood is omnipresent here and gives a unique character to the building.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY