*YMCA 커뮤니티 센터 [ Teeple Architects ] John M. Harper Branch Library & Stork Family YMCA

다목적 도서관과 커뮤니티 레크레이션 센터(지역 생활체육시설), 두개의 상이한 프로그램이 하나의 공간에 접목, 지역주민들의 커뮤니티 활동을 증대한다. 건축어휘를 통해 교차되고 배치되는 일련의 프로그램은 통합된 단일공간 창출을 목표로 진행된다.

도서관 내부는 어린이, 청소년, 성인들의 스터디 스페이스와 그룹활동을 지원하는 플렉서블 그룹러닝, 그리고 커뮤니티 스페이스로 구성된다. 여기에 이전 프로그램; 고객 서비스 프로그램인 소규모 서큘레이션 데스크와 서비스 포인트가 포함된다. 이를 통해 건축물을 대각선으로 가로지르는 스트리트는 원활한 동선확보와 더불어 이용객들의 편의 및 휴식을 위한 작은 휴게공간을 연속적으로 제공, 편리한 내부 공간이용을 제공한다. 여기에 내부 중정은 각 공간 내부로 자연채광을 유도하는매개공간으로 적용, 쾌적한 환경을 조성한다.

reviewed by SJ, 오사

This mixed-use Library and Community Recreational facility posed the challenge of bringing together two diverse programs – and the needs of two diverse clients – to create an enhanced community experience. The desire was to create a single integrated facility in which the program elements interact and elevate each other through a series of strategic architectural gestures.

Architects: Teeple Architects
Location: Waterloo, ON,
Area: 60000.0 ft2
Year: 2011
Photographs: Shai Gil , Scott Norsworthy

Project Team: Stephen Teeple, Eric Boelling, Maryam Mohajer, Christian Joakim, Robert Cheung
Associate Architect: Garwood-Jones & Hanham Architects (NB – now Invizij)
Structural Engineers: Halcrow Yolles
Mechanical Engineers: Smith and Andersen
Electrical Engineers: Smith and Andersen
Exhibit Consultant: Reich + Petch Design International
Landscape Architects: Fleisher Ridout Partnership Inc.
Civil Engineers: Planning and Engineering Initiatives Ltd.
Leed Consultant : Enermodal Engineering Ltd.
Leed: Silver (certified)

The library interior includes children’s, teen and adult study spaces and stacks as well as flexible group learning and community areas. A large computer research area allows for both recreational and advanced academic study to take place.

The design incorporates the latest ideas in pro-active customer service, with a small circulation desk and service points located within the service area itself. A diagonal ‘street’ through the customer service space creates natural path of traffic from the entrance to each service area. An enclosed courtyard brings natural light into the interior and provides an alternative study space.

The LEED Silver-targeted project sought to minimize environmental impact, especially in order to mitigate the high-energy demands of the pool. Extensive daylighting was central to the design concept, creating an efficient, bright and interconnected space.

Among many strategies, the building employs displacement ventilation, green and white roofs, local, recycled and low-VOC materials, on-site storm water management, and waste diversion strategies.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY