*다목적 스포츠 홀 제안 [ BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group ] GHG, Hellerup, Denmark

코펜하겐 북서부에 위치한 Gammel Hellerup하이스쿨 내 새롭게 조성된 다목적홀(2층 규모, 1,100sqm)은 학생들의 원활한 소셜활동을 위한 대형공간 창출을 지향한다. 이는 학교성장에 따라 요구되는 추가공간 확보를 동시에 만족한다.

건축의 시작은 졸업식 및 지역문화 활동과 같은 다양한 문화행사 수행을 위한 기존 체육관 보완에서 시작된다. BIG의 제안은 이러한 문제점 해결; 실질적인 교육공간 및 학생들의 소셜활동 증대 보장을 위한 다목적 홀 구축으로 학교 중정으로 부터 5미터 아래에 위치한 지하공간을 활용한다. 일정한(지속가능한) 거주환경을 위해 부가적 요소는 최소화 한다. 지하에 새로운 공간이 생성되는 동안 상부, 완만한 곡선 지붕은 학생들의 미팅 및 휴게공간으로 제공된다. 거대한 호를 그리는 탄도학의 공식으로 부터 추출된 곡선을 적용하며, 지면으로 부터 들려진 창을 통해 자연채광을 내부로 유입시킨다.

여기에 다목적홀과 기존 축구장을 연결하는 아트빌딩을 (축구장 일부분을 사용)함께 구축, 체육관의 기존 교육시설과 다목적 홀을 자연스럽게 연계한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사



Designed by BIG, the 1100 sqm multi-purpose hall and the latest two-level addition to Gammel Hellerup High School just north of Copenhagen, provides existing students with generous spaces for social and creative unfolding, while increasing the capacity of the school in response to its growing popularity.


Originally a building adjacent to the campus, the gymnasium facilities became insufficient; Gammel Hellerup High School lacked a large multi-functional space for physical activities, graduation ceremonies and social gatherings.




Program: educational building
Architects: BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group
Project Leaders Multi-Use Hall & Gymnasium: Ole Schrøder, Ole Elkjær-Larsen, Frederik Lyng
Team Multi-Use Hall & Gymnasium: Ana Merino, Anders Hjortnæs, Christian Alvarez, Dennis Rasmussen, Gül Ertekin, Henrick Poulsen, Hjalti Gestsson, Jan Magasanik, Jakob Lange, Jacob Thomsen, Jeppe Ecklon, Ji-young Yoon, Michael Schønemann, Narisara Schröder, Riccardo Mariano, Rune Hansen, Snorre Nash, Thomas Juul-Jensen, Vincent He, Xu Li
Project Manager Master Plan & Education Building: Ole Elkjær-Larsen
Project Leader Master Plan & Education Building: Tobias Hjortdal
Team Master Plan & Education Building: Agnete Jukneviciute, Ambra Chiesa, Brigitta Gulyás, Dennis Rasmussen, Enea Michelesio, Greta Krenciute, Høgni Laksáfoss, Isabella Eriksson, Jan Magasanik, Mikkel Marcker Stubgaard, Jeppe Ecklon, Kamilla Heskje, Michael Schønemann, Narisara Schröder, Thomas Juul-Jensen
Project Leader Landscape: Ole Elkjær-Larsen
Team Landscape: Brigitta Gulyás, Enea Michelesio, Mikkel Marcker Stubgaard, Narisara Schröder, Tobias Hjortdal
Client: Gammel Hellerup High School
Collaborators: EKJ, CG Jensen, Jens Lindhe, Midconsult I Herning, Bent Nygaard Sørensen, Grontmij
Area: 2,500 sqm
Completion: 2015



In response, BIG designed a multi-purpose hall for the physical education and social development of the students, drawing its signature curve from the physics of a handball being thrown. Placed 5 meters below ground in the school’s courtyard, the hall is passively temperature controlled and does not impose on its context. Above ground, the hall’s softlycurved roof is an informal meeting place. The edge of the roof is designed as a long social bench, perforated with small windows to provide natural daylighting below. The shape of the roof is based on the formula for a ballistic arc.


During the construction of the hall, the school planned a new building, located between the school’s multi-purpose hall and adjacent football fields. This new arts building seeks to connect the sports areas with the gymnasium’s existing educational facilities in one continuous flow.

By placing parts of the new building beneath the football fields, the students are able to walk through the sunken sports hall at the center of the school’s courtyard, to the classrooms, cafeteria, and out to the main entrance at street level. Additionally, the new facilities situated underground form the roof of the new arts building, extending the football fields into a green carpet for informal activity and to serve as informal seating overlooking future sporting events.


Construction materials and finishes known from the multi-purpose hall are integrated in reverse – where the sports hall is a sandwich of wood above and below with walls of concrete, the classrooms are the opposite – wooden walls spanning between concrete surfaces above and below. The continuity and repetition of the materials creates a coherent visual identity for the school.












from  domusweb



Designed by JB FACTORY