*지속가능한 교육환경, 싱가포르 유니버시티 마스터플랜 [ UNStudio and DP Architects ] Singapore University of Technology and Design’s academic campus

아카데미 캠퍼스 디자인의 지향점은 대학내 혁신(innovation) 창조(creativity), 교육환경 구축을 위한 학생, 학부, 교수의 밀착된 소통관계 생성을 목표로 한다. 밀착된 소통관계를 위한 생태환경은 캠퍼스 내, 각각 블록에 분산 배치된 학부 및 조직공간, 동선의 막힘없는 네트워크 연결을 실현, 교실, 연구실, 미팅룸과 같은 인자들을 연속시킨다. 이를 통해 확대된 교차공간을 통해 캠퍼스 커뮤니케이션은 증대되고, 캠퍼스를 하나로 연결하는 거대한 밴드를 형성하게 된다.

지속가능한 디자인과 안락한 교육환경 보장을 위한 환경적 지속성은 캠퍼스 건축의 패러다임을 정의, 패시브 디자인으로 실현된다. 내부 중정을 따라 연속된 바람 복도를 통해 수평적인 전체 건축물의 외형은 정의된다. 또한 외부 보행자를 위한 나무그늘이 보행로를 따라 연속, 식재된다. 효율적인 물관리를 위한 지역수종 식재는 플랜터 박스의 연속적인 배치와 스카이 가든, 그린루프와 함께 전체 그린네트워크를 구축한다. 내부 열과부하 현상 방지를 위해 직사광의 유입은 복도를 통해 버퍼 (냉방에너지 감소)되며 디지털 시뮬레이션을 통해 검증된 개구부율이 적용된 윈도우 시스템이 내부 조도을 일정하게 유지시켜 준다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

DP Architects and UNStudio’s design scheme reflects SUTD’s – Singapore’s latest public funded university, established in collaboration with MIT – new pedagogic model of inter-disciplinary and collaborative learning.

The academic campus design offers an opportunity to embrace innovation and creativity through a non-linear connective relationship between students, faculty, professionals and the spaces they interact with.

Program: university campus
Architects: UNStudio and DP Architects
Structural Engineer: Parsons Brinckerhoff Pte Ltd
M&E Engineer: CPG Consultants Pte Ltd
Quantity Surveyor: CPG Consultants Pte Ltd
Landscape Consultant: Surbana International Consultants Pte Ltd
ESD Consultant: DP Sustainable Design Pte Ltd
Acoustics Consultant: Acviron Acoustics Consultants Pte Ltd
Client: Singapore University of Technology and Design
Area: 83,000 sqm
Completion: 2015

The institution’s academic facilities are connected through a seamless network of organised spaces and paths. Faculties within the SUTD campus are not housed within individual buildings, but distributed and overlapped through each block of the site. Classrooms, laboratories and meeting rooms are spread over the various connecting blocks.

These help to amplify moments of interaction between disciplines. With boundaries blurred, the campus architecture becomes an incubator for communication, creativity and innovation.

To support the university’s focus on sustainable design and to ensure a comfortable learning environment, environmental sustainability was built into the design for the SUTD academic campus, particularly through passive building design. Building geometries carve a wind corridor for ideal wind flow through the outdoor gathering spaces such as internal courtyards. Tree shaded walkways also serve as the external circulation route around SUTD to encourage a walkable, low carbon campus.

Landscape design, with low water consuming native landscape species, weave through the external areas into the building fabric through pockets of planters along corridors and on the sky gardens and green roofs, reducing the urban heat island effect in the overall campus. Building orientation, inter-block shading as well as shading by corridors kept the building space cooling energy requirements low, while solar analysis and daylighting simulation tools were employed to achieve the ideal balance between daylighting qualities and shade to minimise heat gain from the windows. These translated into the design for effective shading devices and glass performance.

from  domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY