*도심지 옥상정원을 품은 개인주택 [ Susan Fitzgerald ] LiveWork Building With Rooftop Garden


건축의 시작

세 개의 유닛으로 구성, 각 개별 출입구 계획, 건축가와 협업자를 위한 오피스 스페이스, 강아지 한마리와 고양이 두마리를 포함하는 4인 가족의 거주공간, 2층으로 구성된 임대형 스튜디오 아파트.

공간의 유연성

내 부 공간구성과 공간의 유연함은 상업 및 주거에 대한 변화과정 및 다양성을 담는다. 비즈니스 환경의 생존력 확보와 부모세대를 걸쳐 자식세대까지 변화하는 삶의 패턴을 고스란히 수용하는 거주공간을 확보한다. 여기에 지속적인 거주환경의 한축, 그린환경이 도심내 휴식공간으로 프로젝트의 다양한 내외부 공간에 삽입된다.

지속가능한 재료의 사용

보 드형태의 콘크리트와 골판금속의 사용은 주변 인더스트리얼 문화의 투영과 한정적인 예산을 맞추기 위한 적절한 재료로 선택, 사용된다. 구조체와 외장재로써 함께 사용, 활용성을 높인다. 콘크리트 바닥과 벽은 패시브 건축의 도구로, 주간시 외부로 받은 열에너지(태양열)을 축척 한다. 목재데크, 처마와 빌딩 내부로 수렵된 계단, 지붕과 각 구역에 설치된 화단은 이러한 지속성을 함께 보장한다.

공간의 아이텐티

중 정은 다음과 같은 기능을 수반한다. 겨울철 자동차를 위한 차고, 아이를 위한 놀이터, 외부에서 진행되는 워크스페이스, 꽃으로 가득찬 개인정원을 제공한다. 그라운드 플로어 상부 리빙스페이스는 빛과 전망 그리고 외부가로환경으로 부터 프라이버시 확보를 위해 들려진다.

reviewed by SJ,오사



Susan Fitzgerald Architecture have recently completed ‘King Street Live/Work/Grow’, a mixed use building in Halifax, Canada, that features living space, work area and a rooftop garden patch.

Located within an eclectic community in the north end of Halifax, Nova Scotia is a self-commissioned mixed use project by Susan Fitzgerald Architecture and her builder partner Brainard Fitzgerald. Neighbors include: the city crematorium, the Centre for Islamic Development Mosque, a print shop, a legal marijuana grow operation, a recycling depot, a coffee roaster and cafe, a car dealership, an automobile repair shop, condominiums and the sparse remnants of row-housing from the early 1900s.




Within the 25’ x 100’ lot, this project contributes to the rich character of this community where the converging conditions of affordable land, rapid growth and light industry suggest an uncertain future. Advocating ways to maintain and enrich the diversity in the neighborhood, this project increases density, community and livability.

Consisting of three separate units, each with entrances at grade, the program for the project includes: an office space for an architecture and contractor firm with equipment storage; a dwelling for a family of four with a dog and two cats; and a two-storey live/work rental studio apartment.

Programmatic and spatial flexibility enables the commercial and residential spaces to contract or expand into one another based upon the viability of the business, and ever changing family circumstances as children mature and grandparents age. Landscaped spaces are integrated throughout the whole project to offer respite within the city and support the cultivation of vegetables and flowers.

Building code regulations dictate a plan with minimal glazing on the side-yard property lines and the need for non-combustible cladding and materials. The shared driveway to the north of the property reduces the ground floor plan by four feet. It determines the location of the link and the need for a cantilevered piano nobile.
The board-form concrete and corrugated metal complement the language of the surrounding industrial sheds and work within the budget constraints of the project. Used as both structure and finished material, the concrete slabs and walls provide thermal mass for passive solar energy received during the afternoon and morning and time-of-day electrical metering. Wood decks, soffits and stairs unfold throughout the building, creating planters on the roof and flower beds at grade.

Conventional spaces within the house are reconsidered. Children’s bedrooms are conceived as compact private cubbies with sliding doors, much like sleeper cars on a train, offering small, cozy spaces for sleep that encourage integration with the household at other times.

The courtyard functions as a sheltered winter parking space, children’s play area, outdoor workspace, and flower garden. Every part of the plan is accessible, with growing areas on all the roofs. Raising the living spaces above the ground floor improves light, provides views, and lends privacy from the everyday life of the street.
On a macro level, this project re-imagines the limiting site conditions typically found in Halifax – namely, long and narrow Victorian lots – and creates a new mixed use urban typology based on a modern rendition of the side hall plan. Stretching the form across the site allows daylight into the plan and ground-floor access to multiple units through an inner courtyard.

Layering dwelling, working and cultivation into this tight city lot, the project, at its small scale, suggests ways of recalibrating our cities to integrate an edible second nature, creating spaces that are aesthetically pleasing, aromatic, educational and productive, and actively participating in the densification and livability of the city.























from  contemporist



Designed by JB FACTORY