*아이를 위한 키즈룸 인테리어 [ Ruetemple ] Bagritsky

아파트 인테리어의 첫번째는 다양한 거주형태를 보장하는 생활공간 구현, 두번째는 아이들 상상력을 자극, 성장시키는 놀이가 있는 공간 형성을 목적으로 한다.


아파트 핵심 코어; 블랙큐브는 출입구 좌측편에 자리한다. 코트와 신발을 위한 옷장과 욕실을 비롯한 워터존이 주방과 함께 구비된다. 주방이 자리한 한쪽면에는 빌트인 수납공간; 찬장과 냉장고가 삽입된다. 특히 슬래이트 블랙 페인트(칠판 페인트) 마감된 블랙 큐브는 아이들의 낙서를 비롯한 다양한 그림을 그릴 수 있는 매력적인 캔버스로 제공되며, 아이들의 상상력을 자극시키는 매개체 역활을 수행한다.


생활패턴에 따라 가변적으로 변신 가능한 모바일 퍼니쳐 시스템으로 구성된다. 바퀴가 달린 7개의 모듈 유닛; 암체어 4개, 쿠션 스툴 2개, 커피 테이블 1개는 용이한 이동성과 편리한 가변성을 통해 가족들의 영화관람, 테이블 게임, 손님 접대, 등.. 유연한 거주형태를 지원한다.


아이들을 위한 (16sqm) 공간은 가운데 자리한 플레이 박스( 정글짐과 같은 놀이공간으로 클림핑을 위한 몇개의 레벨과 해먹 그리고 창문이 있는 작은 하우스로 구성된다. )를 기점으로 구분된다. 각각 공간은 수면을 위한 침대가 놓인 침실과 공부를 위한 책상이 놓인 스터디룸으로 구분된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The apartment is meant for a family with two children. Preferences of the customers and the main objectives. The customers would like to see a functional and laconic interior, yet not deprived of individuality and originality. The principal requirements were related to the area of the living room and the children's room. The living room should be multifunctional with various options of time spending. Meanwhile, the area allocated for the children should include two bedrooms with a space for work and for play. The apartment planning depended on the windows, the supporting walls in some places and discharge stacks.

  • Architects: Ruetemple
  • Location: Moscow, Russia
  • Architect In Charge: Alexander Kudimov, Daria Butahina
  • Area: 80.0 sqm
  • Project Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Ruetemple

The black cube located to the left from the entrance to the apartment includes a coat and shoes closet, a bathroom, a separte water closet, as well as built-in-cupboards and a fridge from the kitchen area side. The storage cabinets are located at the entresol which could be reached via a portable ladder. The cube is covered with slate black paint and became a center of attraction for children, as they appreciated an opportunity of drawing on the walls as much as they please! The opposite wall is covered with marker paint. This is also a large field for children's creativity!

We decided to design the living room in such a way so that the space could be organized differently depending on the mood and occupations. This objective is perfectly met by mobile furniture. It includes 7 modules on the wheels: 4 armchairs, two poufs and a coffee table. They are easy to move and can be assembled in various combinations: family movie watching, table games, sitting with the guests, etc.

A room of 16 sqm was allocated for the children's area. The room is divided into two parts by the central playing set, which includes several levels for climbing, a hammock and small houses with windows. On both sides of the playing set there are sleeping accommodations and a table for study.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY