*다양한 문화와 경험을 어우른 경리단길 빙고 하우스-[ NBDC ] Bingo House

집 안에 사는 사람들에게나 밖에서 바라보는 사람들에게나 모두에게 의미를 주는 그런 집을 만들고 싶다는 의뢰인의 말에 영감을 받아 지은 집이 있다. 이 곳은 김광석의 노래나, 전양희의 아름다운 시 한소절 처럼 사람들이 모든 걱정을 잊게 만드는 그런 것처럼, 오래된 지역에 하나의 깊은 인상을 주는 휴식과 같은 곳이다. 

경리단의 가파른 길 위에 놓인 빙고 하우스는 1977년도에 10 가구를 위한 타운하우스였다. 이 오래된 주택은 주택과 주택 사이를 벽으로 공유하고 있고, 오직 밖에서만 들어갈 수 있는 지하층과 방으로 가득 채워진 1-2층의 구조를 하고 있다. 

의뢰인이 많은 경험과 모험적인 정신을 가지고 있었기에, 그가 지난 수년간 쌓은 경험의 세월동안 얻은 다양한 문화와 경험들을 이 집에 녹아들이는데 주저하지 않았다. 디자인 역시 주거 공간에 대한 의뢰인의 철학을 기초로 디자이너의 아이디어를 접목시켜 앞으로 가족 구성원의 삶 내 변화를 고려한 형태로 계획되었다. 

빙고 하우스의 가족은 회사원인 남편과 가정주부인 아내, 대학생인 아들과 고등학생인 딸을 위한 곳이다. 가족은 서울의 중심으로써 지니는 지리학적 이점과 다문화의 상징이자 편리한 교통을 이점으로한 이태원의 매력에 리모델링을 결심했다고 한다. 

The house desired by the client is a place that gives a meaning to people who live inside or those who look from outside. It is a meaning as a rest like an impression made by an old pavilion, and as the one that makes people forget worries like a song of Kim, Gwang Seok and a beautiful piece of poem written by Cheon, Yang Hee.

  • Architects: NBDC
  • Location: Hoenamu-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea
  • Architects in Charge: Yong-Hwan Shin (Nordic Bros. Design Community)
  • Construction: Young Total, Jin-Gang Yu
  • Area: 97.0 sqm
  • Project Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Courtesy of NBDC

Bingo House located in the foothills of Gyeongridan gil is a townhouse built for 10 families in 1977. The old house connected in the form of sharing the walls  between households was made up of the basement floor accessible only from the outside and the first and the second floor packed with rooms.

Though it still remains as a narrow space that fully reflects the exhausted life during the time due to rapid urbanization, it is led to today’s exotic and dynamic main street outside.

The client with the adventurous and experimental spirit didn’t care about the composition of existing housing from various cultures and experiences he acquired from years of life in foreign countries and wanted to have a space extremely adjusted to  my life.  The design also considered the changes in the life of the family members in the future in addition to  the designer’s ideas based on the client’s philosophy of a residential space.

The family of Bingo House consists of a husband who works for a company, a non-working wife, a son, a college student, and a daughter, a high school girl. Remodeling was determined with the charms of Itaewon like its unique openness, a symbol of multiculture, a geographical advantage as the center of Seoul, and convenient transportation.

Because the client couple is planning to get away from the city and live in the countryside in their old age after retirement, the drawing took the further changing life of the two young children into account and divided the traffic line/layout and designed a house of a new structure on the limited 45m2 area under the theme of a simple and pleasant life.

Ground floor + Basement floor.

The front yard in the outside and the basement floor were brought into the interior spaces, and focused on the role and communication between family members having open as the conversation topic.

Starting from the entrance, practical spatial composition was put first like cabinet, 3-sided full length mirror, 5. (See numbering in the floor plan) utility room/bathroom, laundry and dry, separation of recyclables, storage, and other installation devices.

It is connected to the study of the husband - the desk is an extended design of the stairs - when going down the stairs in the center, which concentrated  on the convenience with the minimum traffic line.

It increased intimacy between family members through the integrated space between dining room, kitchen, and living room.

First floor.

The space filled with bedrooms focused on close, that is respecting other people’s privacy and  finding merits of a small space. Children’s room and balcony/ One space is divided into two  rooms by a cabinet, and the marginal space of the balcony made the space enjoyable. The couple’s bedroom and the bathroom were also divided into  the minimum area and connected organically.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY