*자연과의 조화를 영감으로 탄생한 스위스 빌라 앙상블-[ AFGH Architects ] Villa Ensemble Near Zurich

스위스 Zurich 호수를 내려다보는 2개의 콘크리트 집을 Andreas Fuhrimann Gabrielle Hächler 스튜디오에서 작업했다. 2개의 다각형 바위들이 서로를 가시적으로 완성하고 있는 이곳은 집을 “빌라 앙상블” 구역을 형성하였고, 공유하고 있는 지하층을 연결하여 주차장과 시설을 모두 갖춘 운동실을 만들었다. 

다양한 형태의 디자인과 독특한 다각형 바닥면에 대한 계획은 그 주위환경에 대한 자연스러운 조화에서 온 것들인데, 호수와 숲과 같은 놀랍도록 아름다운 주변 풍경에 걸맞게 계획되었다. 놀라운 점은 집들은 앞이나 뒤라는 구분이 없었는데, 지붕을 제5의 면으로 생각하여 지붕을 포함해 집의 모든 면들이 똑같이 동일한 중요성을 지녔다고 생각했기 때문이다. 

From the architecture studio of Andreas Fuhrimann and Gabrielle Hächler comes this pair of sculptural concrete houses overlooking Lake Zurich in Switzerland. Conceived as two polygonal boulders that visually complement each other, together the residences form the “Villa Ensemble” complex, and are connected via a shared underground vault which contains a parking space and fully-equipped wellness area. The project’s particular multifaceted design and unusual polygonal floor-plan came as a response to its surroundings: both volumes are aligned with the stunning surrounding views, including the lake to the south and the woods to the west. Interestingly, the houses don’t have a front and a back, but rather all their sides were treated as façades of equal importance; even the roof was designed not as just a roof but as a “fifth façade”, as the architects said, which faces upwards.

From the architecture studio of Andreas Fuhrimann and Gabrielle Hächler comes this pair of sculptural concrete houses overlooking Lake Zurich in Switzerland. Conceived as two polygonal boulders that visually complement each other, together the residences form the “Villa Ensemble” complex, and are connected via a shared underground vault which contains a parking space and fully-equipped wellness area. The project’s particular multifaceted design and unusual polygonal floor-plan came as a response to its surroundings: both volumes are aligned with the stunning surrounding views, including the lake to the south and the woods to the west. Interestingly, the houses don’t have a front and a back, but rather all their sides were treated as façades of equal importance; even the roof was designed not as just a roof but as a “fifth façade”, as the architects said, which faces upwards.

The project’s most impressive feature however is the underground wellness area and its 15-meter marble-clad pool. Meant to be shared by the residents of the two houses, this spa area also boasts its own bathroom and showers, a sauna, a steam bath and room enough to set up large gym equipment and benches. Much like a faceted gem or a chunk of grey ice, the pool design further adds to the project’s cavernous scenography, all the while maintaining a direct connection to the outdoors through large openings that lead out onto the garden.

from  yatzer


Designed by JB FACTORY