*이상적 가족의 행복을 위한 집 안의 놀이터-[ HAO Design ] The Family Playground


요즘 사람들은 너무 바쁜 일상을 살아가고 있는 나머지, 다른 가족 구성원과 함께 시간을 보내는 것이 전보다 훨씬 귀한 일이 되었다.

스톤 부부의 가장 큰 고민거리는, 새로운 주택의 인테리어 데코레이션 배치가 자연스러우면서도 자녀들의 창의적인 활동을 불러일으킬 수 있는 열린 느낌을 줄 수 있었으면 하는 일이었다. 이와 동시에, 가족 구성원들이 더 가까이 뭉치게 된다면 더욱 좋겠다고 생각하였다.

대다수의 일반 가정에서는 거실이나 라운지 공간을 제공하는 데 반해, 스톤 씨 부부와 인테리어 디자이너인 이반은 대안적인 접근 방식을 서로 도모해 보았다.

자녀의 활동 영역을 제공하고 싶다는 게, 부부의 디자이너 컨셉에 가장 중요한 고려 사항이었기에, 자녀들은 안락하고 느긋한 환경 속에서 재미있게 놀고 공부할 수 있었다. 또한 부모로써 자신들이 바쁘지 않은 때는 자녀들의 어린 시절에 함께 하고 싶어했기에 이러한 취지에서 "읽고, 노는 공간"이라는 아이디어가 점차 구체적인 형태를 갖춰지게 되었다.

스톤 가족은 매우 열린 마인드를 가지고 있었고, 두 부부가 화초 키우기를 좋아했기에, 디너 테이블은 계절적인 효과를 창조하기 위해 크래프트 아이템을 만들어 사용했고, 나뭇가지나 잎, 씨앗등을 모아 장식했다.

스톤 가족을 위한 집 안에 설치한 그네는 어린 딸을 위한 특별한 공간이 되었다. 베란다에 위치한 그네는 특히 아름다운 공간의 배열을 휘해 만들어졌으며, 스톤 씨는 그네에 앉아 아내와 딸이 피아노를 함께 치는 것을 볼 수도, 이상적 가정과 집에 대한 자신의 비전이 이루어진 모습을 확인할 수도 있다.


Naturalistic spaces – A creative playground for all the family

People today have such busy lifestyles that time spent together with other family members has become more precious than ever. Mr. and Mrs. Stone’s biggest concern when arranging the interior decoration of their new home was to have a natural, open feel that would provide inspiration for their children’s creative activities, while at the same time bringing family members closer together. Whereas the layout of most family homes gives pride of place to the living room or lounge, Mr. and Mrs. Stone and Ivan, the interior designer have come up with an alternative approach.


  • Architects: HAO Design
  • Location: Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
  • Area: 138.0 sqm
  • Project Year: 2015
  • Photographs: Hey!Cheese

Scenes of unmatched beauty – everywhere you look is just right.

In the initial stages of the interior design process, Mr. and Mrs. Stone decided that they wanted the provision of space for their children’s activities to be the main consideration in the design, so that their children could play happily and study in a relaxed environment; the parents also wanted to be present for every moment in their kids’ childhood when they were not busy working. After extensive discussions, the idea of creating a “reading and play area” gradually took shape. The Stone family are very open-minded, liberal and nature-oriented. Both Mr. and Mrs. Stone enjoy gardening, and the Waldorf Kindergarten that their daughter attends encourages the children to collect twigs, leaves and seeds that they use to make craft items, or to decorate the dinner table to create a seasonal effect.

When you enter the Stone family residence, the visitor is greeted not by a living room but by a 19-ping (approximately 60m2) leisure and recreation area. A smooth wooden table sets the tone; this is the creative space where Mr. and Mrs. Stone spend a lot of their time with their children making things together. The “Favourite Thing” light fixture that is hung from the ceiling combines lighting and display functions; the craft items created by their daughter can be placed inside the light cover for backlit display. The blackboard-wall that is positioned on the right-hand side as one enters the room serves as a message board for all the family, and provides the children with a surface to sketch on; Mrs. Stone also uses the blackboard for noting down recipes on. The interior design thus provides the family with a flexible, interactive space.

The kitchen with its central island is a transitional area between the house’s public and private spaces. In several places, dots are cunningly used to “direct” movement between the leisure and recreation area and the compact kitchen. Carefully designed storage spaces around the four sides of the central island make it easy for Mrs. Stone to access herbs and spices, cookery books etc. whenever she needs them, so that she can prepare a wide range of delicious foods for the family. The “latticework” style design of the cabinets matches the shape of the bookshelves in the house. Above the central island, the interior design makes effective use of the high ceiling to incorporate black steel storage racks with an “industrial” feel, which function as a visual focus of attention in the kitchen area; these racks can also be used to hold plants, so that greenery extends from the veranda through with the green colour tones of the cabinets in the reading area right into the kitchen. The kitchen area thus has everything needed for the family’s happiness, and provides a marvelous venue for the members of the family to get together while enjoying their meals.

A “playground” for all the family

The slide in the Stone family’s home is the little girl’s own special space. The moveable slide is built using mortice and tenon construction so that it can be disassembled and reassembled easily; this means that, when the slide is not needed, it can be taken apart and put away, increasing the amount of space available on the veranda. The swing on the veranda, in combination with the potted plants that are scattered around the veranda, makes for a particularly beautiful spatial arrangement. After coming home from work, Mr. Stone can sit on the swing watching his wife and daughter playing the piano together inside the house, and thinking to himself that his vision of the ideal home and family life has come true.

from  archdaily


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