*심플 박공 하우스 [ Sven Matt ] A Simple Gabled House

지역건축을 정제한 단순함. 나무가 연결하는 과거와 현재. 풍부한 자연환경을 투영한 박공지붕 하우스로 리모델링 됩니다.

It seems impossible to be a minimalist and maximalist at the same time, but that's what Sven Matt achieved last year, when he designed a 1,600-square-foot home in the hilly west Austrian town of Bregenzerwald for his brother Björn and sister-in-law Julia. The house's basic pared-down shape contrasts with its intricate, latticework shell—both inspired by regional design. "The use of wood, formal reduction and still a rich, ornamented facade is a traditional motif," he explains.

from  dwell


Designed by JB FACTORY