*멀티 기능을 갖춘 싱가폴 오픈 스페이스 오피스-[ PRODUCE ] The Little Red Ants

외국의 유명한 동화 중에 Little Red Hen이라는 부지런하고 근면한 암탉에 대한 이야기가 있다. 그러한 제목에서 따온 것인지는 몰라도, Little Red Ants 라고 다수의 의뢰인을 위한 크리에이티브 스튜디오가 있다. 이들의 작업이라는 것이 '쉴새없이 일 하는 것(우리도 알다시피, 다른 말로 '철야'를 한다는 것을 좋게 표현한 것 아닐까?)'을 의미하는 데 그러한 취지로 싱가폴 라벤더 가 CT Hub 2에 위치한 새로운 사무실에는 단순히 일하는 공간이 아니라 먹고 자고 놀수 있는 공간이 필요했다.
사진에서도 볼 수 있듯이 디자인 설계 중 한가지만 꼽아 보자면, 오픈 플랜 사무 공간은 1개의 단독 가구를 채웠는데, 이는 연속적인 형태를 한 8인을 위한 책장을 뜻하는데 작업자의 공간이자 방문객의 공간에 대한 경계를 표시하는 역할을 하기도 했다.

Little Red Ants is a creative studio known for churning out compelling videos for a multitude of clients. The nature of their work means they work round the clock, and their new office at CT Hub 2 at Lavender Street needs to be a sanctuary for eat, sleep and play, in addition to work.


The brief also called for a space that promotes communication as every project demands contributions from numerous staff members. As everyone has their little role and contribution to the big picture, they should have their own little space in this 'ants’ nest’. It is all about working cohesively as a single body and creating a sense of bonding and belonging. To some extent it is anti- hot-desking.

The result is an open-plan office space occupied by a single piece of furniture – a continuous figure- of-eight work desk that casually demarcates the worker’s space and the visitor’s space.

It was designed to flow with their work cycle (from writers to editors) and to mirror the way they work (from work to rest, eat and play). The work desk serves as an organisational structure that absorbs and appropriates all storage and functions into its own form. The table bends up to cover the editing suite, full bathroom, server room, meeting-cum-casting room and pantry – forming a elevated platform – before bending down and looping back to the work stations. This single connecting structure also presented the possibility of concealing all cabling within it. The desk is one long looped cable train, and the cables are planned and laid concurrently during assembly on site.

Naturally the single biggest challenge in this project is the fabrication of this central feature, which is an object that most carpenters will reject. The designers were able to use the company’s prototyping capability to test out possible solutions. To create the sinuous form, the internal curved supporting ribs and table top of the desk were cut using the CNC machine at the PRODUCE WORKSHOP. The finishing maple veneered ply sheets were scored with regular shallow cuts allowing it to bend over the curved structure forming a seamless joint between surfaces. This means that the carpenters need only to fit the customised cut pieces together using modular timber battens.

Digital fabrication is the hero to realising the vision of this project. The single looping piece of furniture is poetic and is made possible through digital fabrication. 

Subtle grouping of functions is achieved with lighting. The loops of hanging lights mark out the space for the writers and editors. As they work 24-7, alternate warm and white down lights are installed with dimmers allowing for the change of ambience to suit different needs.



Designed by JB FACTORY