*액티브한 활동 그자체의 모양을 한 아일랜드 소방서-[ Mccullough Mulvin Architects ] Waterford Fire Station

Waterford 소방서는 명실 상부 아일랜드 남동부 전반에 통틀어 소방과 수해재난구조, 공공 컨설팅 및 훈련의 중심부가 될 예정이다. 이는 지역의 24시간 반응 태세를 제공한다는 의미이다. 순환 도로와도 가까운 이 건물의 형태는 마치 이 곳이 제공하는 액티브한 서비스를 둘러싼 모양같아 보인다. 


The new Waterford Fire Station will become the regional centre for fire fighting, river rescue, public consultation and training for the whole of the south east of Ireland; it provides a 24 hour response unit for the region.

Located close to a ring road, the building is shaped around the active service it delivers, being derived from the tracking movements of the appliances. Training includes cutting up vehicles, underground and confined spaces training, breathing apparatus training and desk study training.


Architects: Mccullough Mulvin Architects
Location: Waterford, Ireland
Area: 3500.0 sqm
Project Year: 2015
Photographs: Mike Malone Aerial Photo, Christian Richters
Manufacturers: Schüco, VM

The building encloses space and makes an artificial landscape; function is paramount. Office and ancillary functions are housed in a simple zinc volume, folded around like a piece of origami to enclose a large the drill yard; the roof is extended and angled to suit operational dimensions. Zinc is cut away at ground level to give views of the appliances behind their glazed bay doors, addressing the ring road and giving definition to an essential piece of public infrastructure.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY