*자연과 어울리는 개비옹 외장 소방서- [ Roland Baldi ] Fleres Fire Station


오늘 소개할 곳은 Val di Fleres에 있는 소방서로써, 디자인은 Roland Baldi이 담당했다. 초록의 저수 댐에 구멍을 뚫은 것처럼 보이는 이곳은, 가시적으로도 협곡을 향해 놓은 산사태가 연속적으로 이동하는 것처럼 보이기도 한다.

새롭게 지어진 소방서는 길과 평행으로 놓여졌으며, 두개의 서비스 구역으로 구성되어 있는데, 하나는 주차장이고 하나는 사무 공간이다. 두개의 높이가 다른 거대한 덩어리인냥 도로에서 분명하게 구분되어 보인다.

소방서는 건물 서쪽에 놓인 정문을 통해 주차장으로부터 직접 연결 되어 있으며 이는 또한 강의실, 사무실, 옷을 갈아입는 방들과도 직접적으로 연계되어 있으며, 주차장과도 바로 연결된다.

무엇보다 이곳의 가장 놀라운 특징이라고 한다면, 하나로 연결된 건물 면들이라고 할 수 있는데, 모던하면서도 깔끔한 디자인과 석재, 유리, 알루미늄이라는 소수의 재료로만 구성되어 있는 것을 특생으로 꼽을 수 있다.


The Fire Station in Val di Fleres designed by Roland Baldi seems to perforate the verdant catchment dam and optically continue the movement of landslide deposits towards the valley.

The new building sits parallel to the road and has two service zones – the garage and work/office area – clearly identified from the road as two masses of different heights. The rear portion of the building containing the store rooms and ancillary spaces was partially incorporated into the catchment dam, whereas the garage and office spaces project forward from the building. The changing rooms have skylights for ventilation and lighting.


Program: fire station
Architects: Roland Baldi
Client: Comune di Brennero
Collaborators: Harald Kofler, Karin Kretschmer
Architects of the records: Roland Baldi
Structures: 3M Engineering srl
Electrical engineering: Energytech GmbH
Plants engineering: Energytech GmbH
Safety: New Engineering srl
Contractor: Unionbau GmbH
Plumbing: Mader GmbH
Area: 422.7 sqm
Completion: May 2015

The east side houses the garage, an area for drying fire hoses and a workshop, store, power room, mask storage area, and a boot wash close to the changing rooms.

The smaller construction meets ClimateHouse B energy standards and, in direct visual contact with the garage, contains the control and communications room, the changing rooms, a small office, the boiler room with access from outside and the lecture room with kitchenette.

The design features safe access routes and internal processes with special attention paid to separating the private vehicle entrance from the emergency fire-truck exit.

The Fire Station is accessed directly from the car park via an entrance on the west side of the building. This also leads directly to the lecture room, office and changing rooms, which are directly linked to the garage. The communications and control room can be entered from both the lecture room and the changing rooms, and has direct visual contact with the building’s entrance and the garage. The latter houses four parking spaces, 10m deep and 4.5m wide, and is lit by natural light thanks to full-height windows on the four folding garage doors. The whole building is in reinforced concrete.

The most striking feature of the building are its monolithic facades, characterised by a clear, modern design and a small selection of materials: stone, glass and aluminium.

The whole facade was clad with scree and Dolomite stone drawn from the detritus and used to fill the custom-made mesh cages applied to the entire shell of the fire station.

from  domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY