*네덜란드 낡은 곡식 저장소에서 로컬 푸드회관으로의 변화-Wenink Holtkamp Architecten transforms old Dutch grain silo into street-food market

Eindhoven studio Wenink Holtkamp Architecten는 항구를 조망하고 있는 이전의 곡물 저장소를 지역의 식품관으로 개조하였다.
'검은 곡식 저장소'라는 이름을 가진 Zwarte Silo는 네덜란드 현지 건축가인 Maarten van Harte 가 디자인하고, 1923년에 네덜란드 동부의 도시 데벤테르에 설립되었다. 독특한 검은색의 외형은 지속적인 습기 문제를 해결하기 위해 나중에 덧붙여진 역청(아스팔트)의 결과이다. 이 프로젝트는 이 건물과 항구의 연계를 강화하면서도 기존에 가지고 있던 산업구조에 지역사회를 위한 활동의 초점으로서의 역할을 재설립하기 위함이었다. 자, 이러한 목적을 살려 이제 로컬 시민들이 생산한 상품을 판매하기 위하여, 길거리 음식 판매공간들을 제공한다.

Eindhoven studio Wenink Holtkamp Architecten has converted a former grain silo in the Dutch city of into a community food hall overlooking the harbour.

Photography is by Tim Van de Velde.


The Zwarte Silo – which translates as Black Silo – was designed by local architect architect Maarten van Harte and constructed in 1923 on a site adjacent to Deventer's harbour.

Its distinctive black exterior is the result of a layer of bitumen added later to resolve ongoing moisture problems.

Wenink Holtkamp Architecten was commissioned by a foundation specialising in repurposing historically significant buildings to oversee the transformation of the silo, which had been out of use since the early 1990s.

The project aimed to reinforce the building's connection with the harbour and to give the former industrial structure a new purpose that helps to reestablish it as a focal point of the community.

It now provides a venue for street-food vendors to sell their produce.

The building's tall silo was originally used for storing grain, so provided a large space suitable for conversion into a market hall. Thirty load cells that descend from the ceiling help to retain a sense of the silo's heritage.

The key interventions made by the architects include the introduction of several doors and windows with slender steel frames that enhance the facility's connection with its neighbourhood.

from dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY