*스톡홀름 마켓 이전을 위한 임시 상가건설-[ Tengbom ] Östermalm's Temporary Market Hall

스톡홀름 외스테맘(Östermalm) 스퀘어는 건강상의 위험을 줄이기 위해 외부 판매를 금지할 때까지 번화한 시장 유통의 중심지 역할을 담당했다. 1888년 시장 유통이 인근 지역에 새롭게 완성된 마켓 홀로 옮겨짐으로써 이 스퀘어는 그 본질의 기능을 상실했다. 마켓의 중심지로써의 역할을 회복하기 위한 결정을 결과로 스퀘어에 임시로 마켓홀을 세움으로써 대체할만한 도시의 현실성을 고려해볼 수 있었다.
낡은 마켓 홀은 근대화 필요성이 절실했고, 현지 시장 유통업체들을 위해 임시로나마 대체할 곳이 필요했다. 적절한 공간이 부족했기 때문에 지방자치단체에서는 외스테맘 스퀘어에다 임시 해결책을 설계하자 결정했고, 이를 통해 스퀘어의 모든 오픈 공간을 채울만한 건물을 짓기로 했다. 이로써, 임시적인 건물이 만들어졌으니, 판매 구역외에도 레스토랑, 창고가 1층에 조성되었고 부엌이나 기술적인 설비들이 2개의 중이층에 위치하게 되었다.

Östermalm’s Square was home to a thriving market trade until the municipality banned the sale of fresh produce outdoors in order to reduce health risks. In 1888 market trade moved in to the newly completed Market Hall on an adjacent site and the square lost its original function. With the erection of a temporary Market Hall directly on the square we are able to contemplate an alternative urban reality that could have been the result of a decision to retain the market’s central location in this busy thorough fare.


Location:Stockholm, Sweden
Team:Mark Humphreys, Johan Cederlöf and Karin Löfgren
Client:Stockholm City Real Estate Department
Area:1970.0 sqm
Project Year:2016
Photographs:Felix Gerlach

The old Market Hall is in desperate need of modernizing and during the period of its refurbishment (also carried out by Tenbom) there was a need to find a temporary home for the market’s traders in the local area, to retain their clientele. In lack of suitable spaces, the municipality decided on a temporary solution smack bang on Östermalm’s Square. In order to be able to house all the traders and the associated functions the building had to occupy the entire open area of the square (1970 sqm).

It’s quite a remarkable and historic situation which we’re proud and happy to be part of.
From Stockholm city’s perspective it was important to turn the temporary loss of urban space into a positive addition to the urban fabric. We did this by applying considerable care to the design of the building. It required a sense of quality suitable to the local context and the historic Market Hall while using light weight, cost efficient and sustainable materials befitting the temporary nature of the building.

The temporary building's facade consists of a lower band clad in vertical untreated pine battens of varying size mounted on plywood sheets. In the South West corner of the building and along the Eastern facade the wooden wall gives way to glazing, providing views into the Market Hall and views out for restaurant diners. The upper section of the façade is completely clad in a modular system of translucent multiwall polycarbonate sheeting, providing daylight during daytime and lights up during nighttime. The large scale structure is designed and built with a modular mounting system of steel brackets that enables quick erection and dismantling with the possibility for subsequent reuse and an alternative function at another location.

Market stalls, restaurants and storage are located on the ground floor; while kitchens and technical installations are located on the two mezzanines that stretch along the Northern and Southern facades. The market stalls are situated along wide, straight thoroughfares and the main entrance faces that of the old market hall on the edge of the square. With an entrance strategically located on each of the building’s four facades, the existing flow of pedestrian traffic is able continue across the square through the Market Hall during opening hours.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY