*이란 상업시설-[ Farshad Mehdizadeh Architects + Ahmad Bathaei ] Termeh Office Commercial Building

이란에서도 오래된 도시 중 하나인 Hamedan에는 광장과 남북 도시축을 서로 연결한 도시 공간을 가지고 있는데  이 축은 서쪽 부분으로부터 이 구역을 가로지르고 있다.

간단히 설명하자면, 상업 기능을 수행하는 2개층의 건물 디자인으로써, 1층은 소매업과 개인 오피스가 있고 2층은 이웃 건물들의 높이에 맞춰야 했기에 2.5미터 높이를 하고 있다. 도시공간과의 서로 다른 커뮤니케이션이라는 의미를 가지고 3개의 레벨로 각기 다른 3개의 특성을 강조하고 있다. 이 건물은 도시 공간으로 개별적이면서도 직접적으로 기능들을 연결시킨다는 취지하에 수평적인 접근 솔루션이 필요했고, '소매와 오피스'라는 기능 사이에 구분은 형태를 일반화하기 위한 건축적 성분으로써의 의미를 강조하고 있다.

This project is located in Hamedan, one of Iranian historical cities. Hamedan has active urban space which is characterized by squares and an important north-south urban axis which connects them together. This axis cross the site from the western side.


The brief was designing a two floor building with commercial functions: a retail in ground floor and a private office in the first floor. The second floor (roof) should follow its neighbor’s height, in terms of the urban skyline, through a 2.5 meters height wall. So, this project encompasses three different characters in three levels with different communication with urban space.

Since this project has different addressees for each function, the idea was connecting the functions separately and directly to the urban space. Furthermore, we need to find a vertical access solution. The separator between the functions (retail & office) recognized as most critical part of this project to implicate as architecture element to generate the form. That separator was the slab which characterized from one side, as office floor and from the other side, as retail ceiling. The retail ceiling slab bended and became habitable as stairs to connect the office directly to the walkway in front.

The roof was devoted to the office, as roof garden for business ceremonies and outdoor parties. The facade is a continuous covering system which made of local bricks that patterned with local and traditional brick layering techniques, in order to match with the context.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY