*모바일하우스 트레일러 하우스 tiny heirloom clads mobile home with reconfigurable rock climbing wall

this mobile trailer unit was built for a mississippi couple, who wanted to bring their passion for adventure with them while on the road. the ‘tiny adventure home’ was designed by tiny heirloom, a portland-based company that builds small, bespoke dwellings. notably, the 28 foot-long residence is clad with modular, and reconfigurable, climbing panels, allowing its occupants to practice climbing wherever they’re parked.

after deciding they wanted to downsize, the clients chose to commission tiny heirloom to build them a mobile, yet luxurious, home. while primary access to the abode is through a standard front door, a larger garage-style door opens up to the outside world. the customized interiors are organized around a centrally positioned kitchen, flanked with further living accommodation — a dining area, an elevated living room, a bathroom, and a raised sleeping space.

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY