*생존과 삶이 공유하는 건축-[ Baumschlager Eberle Architekten ] Office building in Lustenau, Austria

건축가는 새로운 건물을 설게하는 것이 아니라 그 또한 사용자로써, 건축을 통해 개념의 생존능력을 시험하게 하였다.
건축의 2개 층은 사무실로, 그 외는 임대형으로 구성하였다. '미래에 대한 건축가의 책임과 말하지 않는 사람들에 대한 책임'이 이번 건축을 설계하는 건축가의 핵심 주제로서, 자원을 신중하게 사용하고 삶의 질을 향상시키는 건축을 하기 위해 노력하였다.

The architect’s responsibility be baumschlager eberle didn't just design the new building; they're also its users. This allowed them to personally test the viability of their concept.

Two of the building's floors are occupied by the employees of the renowned planning office, which is represented by nine additional offices worldwide. The other floors are rented out and used in various ways (conference rooms, cafeteria, art gallery, apartments, individual offices, open-plan offices).

The careful use of resources and an improved quality of life in our built environment is a core theme in the work of this architecture firm and of its co-founder Dietmar Eberle. For him, this is “the responsibility of the architect to the future and to the people who don't have a say.”

No heating, no ventilation – but plenty of comfort

Two questions fundamentally drive the architects – and especially so when planning prototype 2226: how can we create practical connections for the building’s occupants without having to replace nature with a technical environment? And how can we use even less energy to achieve even more comfort? In this case, they found their answers in a type of internal research project that they conducted in collaboration with structural engineers and other planning specialists. The building, in which they now work, is entirely free of any mechanical heating, ventilation or air conditioning systems. This saves money and energy, which means no investment or maintenance costs for otherwise common technical systems. Moreover, this means that its energy consumption is much lower compared to conventional office buildings – while the construction costs are very moderate.


Solid construction, intelligently controlled

The success of the concept is primarily due to two key factors: a solid structure and newly developed software that controls in-house energy flows. Here, the exterior shell of the building is especially important. In the past, and especially in the modern era, architects have always sought to dissolve facades, to dematerialize them, to make them appear lighter, thinner, and more transparent. Building 2226 turns that approach on its head and uses its massive building structure as storage mass. It has an unusually strong wall structure consisting of two differently constructed brick walls connected to each other, each 38 centimeters thick. While the inner layer provides stability, the outer layer insulates the building. This means that it doesn't need additional thermal insulation.

Solid construction, intelligently controlled

The success of the concept is primarily due to two key factors: a solid structure and newly developed software that controls in-house energy flows. Here, the exterior shell of the building is especially important. In the past, and especially in the modern era, architects have always sought to dissolve facades, to dematerialize them, to make them appear lighter, thinner, and more transparent. Building 2226 turns that approach on its head and uses its massive building structure as storage mass. It has an unusually strong wall structure consisting of two differently constructed brick walls connected to each other, each 38 centimeters thick. While the inner layer provides stability, the outer layer insulates the building. This means that it doesn't need additional thermal insulation.


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Designed by JB FACTORY