*경량 콘크리트 벽돌과 합판으로 표현된 오피스-infinite nide uses bamboo and concrete to design ‘spiritual’ office space in changsha, china

전기도금강철과 화강암으로 공간을 완성한 이번 오피스 개조 프로젝트는 폴리카보네이트 중공시트와 합판을 이용해 세련된 세부작업을 하였고, 경량 콘크리트로 나머지 공간을 구분하였다. 원래의 건물 벽은 유지되었지만 기능적 영역의 구분은 경량 콘크리트를 활용하여 마감되었다.


infinite nide has designed an advertising office in changsha’s yuhua district as a spiritual arena of endless possibilities. the project features contradicting warm, lustrous surfaces with cold materials and gives an impression of incompleteness due to chiseled walls and broken bricks that make up the space’s doorways.

the architects used only four materials in the project and completed the space with a selection of accessories including electroplated steel and volcanic rocks. bamboo was applied in the office’s entrance for a tranquil atmosphere that offers what the architects call a ‘spiritual baptism’ as someone passes through. lightweight concrete takes up the rest of the space while polycarbonate hollow sheets and plywood act as edgy, refined details. walls of the original building are retained while functional areas are separated by lightweight concrete bricks.

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY