롄저우 시는 광동의 북부 산악 지역에 위치한 작은 도시로 중국에서 가장 중요한 사진 예술 행사 중 하나 인 'Lianzhou International Photography Festival'가 13년 연속으로 진행된 곳이기도 하다.이 작은 도시에서 박물관을 건설하는 일은 구 시내 재건 계획의 발전기로 간주되는 동시에 도시의 과거에 대한 찬사가 된다. Lianzhou Museum of Photography (LMP)는 지역 전통과 추억이 가득한 "올드 스트리트 (Old Street)"라고 불리는 중산로드(South Zhongshan Road)를 건설하기 위해 선정되었다. 박물관의 원래 용도는 지난 12 번의 사진 축제가 이뤄진 주요 장소였던 오래된 사탕 창고였다. LMP는 2개의 연동 건물로 구성되었는데 하나는 기존의 3 층 콘크리트 프레임 건물이고 나머지 하나는 U자형 모양의 새 건물로 구성되어 있으며, 두 개의 철거된 목조 건물 건물의 현장에 건설되었다.

Lianzhou, a small city locates in the northern mountain area of Guangdong, has witnessed the miraculous 13 consecutive years of Lianzhou International Photography Festival, one of the most important photographic art events in China. Construction of the photography museum is considered as the generator of the old downtown’s revitalization plan, and at the same time, a tribute to the city’s past. Lianzhou Museum of Photography (LMP) was chosen to build in South Zhongshan Road, which local people cordially called "Old Street", a place full of local traditions and memories. The original site is an old candy warehouse which has been the main venue for the last 12 photo festivals.

LMP is comprised of two interlocking buildings, one preserved existing 3-story concrete-frame building, and one U-shape new building constructed on the spot of two demolished wooden structure buildings. A composed façade-roof canopy of the new building shapes the roof skyline of the museum, fully respecting the urban fabric of the old town. Below the successively folded slopes of the canopy area series of galleries, inter-linked by outdoor corridors, and staircases, with exhibitions and public events taking place under one roof. The preserved building and the new U-shape extension create a rich vertical variation of the interior of the building. The U-shape gap garden in-between keeps a distance and necessary contrast between the two structures.

The architect tries to break down the institutional and commemorative tradition of the museum into a three-dimensional exhibition tour that is co-existed with the old city’s morphology. Fragmented sceneries of the old city and everyday life have been juxtaposed to the experience of a journey of the serious and abstract modern photographic art, but sometimes sarcastic contemporary photographic art. On top of the façade-roof canopy, an open-air theater with a V-shape section sits right above the main exhibition hall, in connection with a steel terrace cantilevered from the preserved building’s flat-roof, forming the climax of the entire spatial tour of the museum.

from divisare


Designed by JB FACTORY