*100주년 네덜란드 박물관의 현대적 리노베이션- princessehof museum in the netherlands

네덜란드 princessehof museum는 이번에 100주년 기념일을 맞아 시간을 초월한 인테리어와 폐쇄적인 18세기 기념비적 건물을 현대적으로 탈바꿈시키는 도전과제를 접하게 되었다. 결과적으로 방문객의 호소력과 접근성을 높이기 위해 재개발하기로 결정하고 스튜디오 i29에 의해 현대적 인테리어로 재탄생되었다.


this year princessehof museum, leeuwarden, the netherlands celebrates its 100th birthday, which is the motive for a major renovation with the goal of increasing its appeal and accessibility to visitors. studio i29 interior architectscreated a surprisingly modern interior in the monumental buildings, which date from the 18th century. the design features an entrance hall including the museum store and tearoom, the museum square, and exhibition areas for the vast collections.

the main challenge was to create a welcoming and contemporary entrance area in the rather closed monumental buildings — a timeless interior that matches the museum as a place for inspiration and surprise. in addition, the museum wanted to reorganize their comprehensive collection and a clear and surprising customer journey as a result. i29 interior architects was asked, together with communications agency the ambassadors of aesthetics, to translate this vision into reality.

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY