*정의되지 않은 공간으로서의 미니멀리즘-[ Corpo Atelier ] Architectural (Dis)order

(Dis)order는 포르투갈에 있는 미니멀한 공간이다. 7.6 x 3.9 x 2.55m의 박스형태 공간 안에 서로 다른 세 개의 노란색 개체가 개별적으로 배치되어 있다.

상자의 한계와 노란 물체의 위치 안에서 사람의 움직임에 대한 인식은 필연적으로 뒤엉켜 얽혀 있지만 대상의 중요성은 주관적이고 명확하지 않다. 일종의 고전 건축요소의 추상화와 비교할 수도 있을 것이다. 현관과 중앙 거실과 침실은 파노라마 뷰와 함께 존재하지만 무엇이든 정의하는 시도가 단순하게 정당화되지는 않는다. 그 무엇도 가능한 공간으로서의 미니멀리즘, 그것이 이 공간을 설명한다.

Architectural (Dis)order is a minimalist space located in Vilamoura, Portugal, designed by Corpo Atelier. Inside a white box of 7.6 x 3.9 x 2.55m, three differently configured yellow objects are individually placed. As an immediate consequence, one’s physical experience of the previously empty white box has been dramatically altered. The perception of one’s movement, of the box’s limits and of the position of the yellow objects is now inevitably intertwined. The significance of such objects, however, remains subjective and unclear. Under closer inspection, their shape might resemble an abstraction of the classical architectural elements: an architrave, a fallen column and a plinth, arranged separately as a puzzle, only to be revealed when mentally placed together, evoking the experience of a (possible) site specific sculptural piece that engages with the containing space of a (possible) gallery room. Or perhaps, these yellow objects only hold objectual value as (possible) pieces of furniture, produced to store other smaller objects both inside and atop of them. In such scenario, their arraignment might be justifiable simply as a naive attempt to create some kind of spatial hierarchy in a (possible) wall-less apartment, marking and defining different areas according to a specific domestic use: an entrance hall, a central living room and a bedroom with a panoramic view. It is never truly clear which of these possibilities might be accurate, or, if any actually is. Maybe both might be.

Photography by Alexander Bogorodskiy

from leibal


Designed by JB FACTORY