*사막 스파호텔 [ Anarchitect ] Al Faya Lodge_desert spa & hotel

아랍에미레이트 사막 한가운데 위치한 스파호텔. 반세기 전부터 있던 기존건물(카페와 상점 그리고 작은 호텔)을 새롭게 리모델링한 작업입니다.

혹독한 외부환경(기후)에 대한 대비로 건축적 어휘는 내구성과 사용연한이 긴 재료를 선택, 적용되었습니다. 현지에서 조달한 콘크리트와 석재 그리고 내후성강판이 적용되었습니다.

코지한 테라스공간 설정을 위해, 외부 사막모래보다 바닥을 높게 설정하고 전면 스크린을 설치하여 혹시 모를 모래폭풍 및 기후를 대비하도록 디자인 되었습니다.

Architecture studio Anarchitect has turned a couple of stone buildings in the UAE into Al Faya Lodge, a hotel and saltwater spa in the Sharjah desert.

A complex of buildings now forms the Al Faya Lodge, which sits in the red sands at the foot of Mount Alvaah in the Emirate of Sharjah.

The pair of stone buildings originally built half a century ago, which once housed a cafe and a grocery shop, have been adapted to become a five-room boutique hotel.

Over the road a new building houses a saltwater spa complete with an open air swimming pool.

Anarchitect used the striking rust colour of weathered steel to highlight the interventions in the old stone buildings.

This coloured metal was also chosen to echo the rich deposits of iron ore in the area, which is close to one of the first oil wells built in the United Arab Emirates.

"Desert conditions present extreme heat in summer with intense and prolonged sun exposure so it is important to consider these factors when first designing the form and mass of the building," explained Jonathan Ashmore, founder and principal of Anarchitect, which has offices in Dubai and London.

Locally sourced concrete and stone were used to build the new structures for the hotel complex. Terraced decks are raised above the level of the sand, with over-sailing roofs and screens providing shade from the hot desert sun.

Polished concrete, granite and travertine were used for durability, while hardwood and plastered-render were chosen as materials that would weather attractively in the extreme climate.

from dezeen


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