*설탕공장 [ DnA ] Brown Sugar Factory

지역경제 활성화를 위한 설탕공장. 수공업으로 이루어지는 지역산업과 문화를 하나의 공간에서 만든다. peb공법으로 구축된 공장 내부와 주민공동체를 위한 문화 공간은 수평적으로 연속성을 갖되, 각기 다른 지점에서 사용성을 갖는다. 1층 높이 (시각적으로 열린)의 투명성은 주변 자연환경과 조우를 시도하는 건축적 장치로 공간을 확장시키는 역활과 소통하는 창구 역활을 동시에 수행한다.

The village of Xing is located on the central level of the Songyin River. The region is important for the cultivation of sugarcane and the production of brown sugar, which is also the village’s primary source of income.

The new community building is located on the edge of the village, at the transition to fields used for agriculture, and replaces private workrooms, which no longer satisfied technical requirements. It consists of several building elements, which accommodate different functions and are connected to each other by corridors. The completely transparent ground floor links the work zones to the fields and the neighbouring village structure.

The main room with the ovens is, however, actively used for sugar production only in the three winter months between October and December. It was therefore important to design the building in such a way that the village community can use it for other activities. Older inhabitants meet there during the day for tea, and films are shown or the local puppet theatre gives performances in the evening. The building has therefore given rise to a new sociocultural life, which assists in defining its identity anew.

Architects: DnA

Location: Zhangxixiang, Songyang, Lishui, Zhejiang, China

Category: Community Center

Lead Architect: Tiantian Xu

Area: 1230.0 m2

Project Year: 2016

Photographs: Ziling WangDan Han

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY