*방문자센터 [ Trace Architecture Office ] visitor centre

중국 로컬 건축사무소, Trace Architecture Office가 디자인한 방문자센터는 공원을 방문하는 관람객들과 자연환경을 소개 및 연결해주는 건축적 장치로 제안된다. 71미터 길이의 단순한 박스형태의 구조물은 주변 나무를 연상시키는 소나무 거푸집을 사용, 따뜻한 질감을 연출한다. 주변 숲과 동기화하는 디자인 어휘로 적용된다.

visitor centre designed by Trace Architecture Office for a park in Rongcheng, China, is a long and thin concrete bridge complete with a lighthouse-like viewing tower clad in wooden shingles.

Called Bridge House, the centre is located to the north-east of Swan Lake Park, Shandong Province, where it faces out onto the wetland landscape and backs onto a dense pine forest.

Swan Lake Park is popular with tourists, who come to watch swans migrating north in October. The local government decided to provide more facilities such as a cafe, toilets and viewing areas for visitors.

Beijing-based practice Trace Architecture Office (TAO) designed the visitor centre to minimise the building's impact on the park while still providing panoramic views.

The concrete structure was cast in-situ using pinewood formwork, bringing a texture to the interiors that helps to introduce some warmth and also responds to the nearby forest.

The simple concrete 71-metre-long structure sandwiches visitor services between two long viewing galleries, spanning soft soil and water.

from dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY