*작업실과 집 [ Alphaville Architects ] Kizunaya Building

일본 교토에 위치한 하우스는 보석 아티스트를 위한 갤러리, 작업실, 주거로 구성된다. 

일본 전통적인 가구식 목조를 바탕으로 각 공간은 스킵플로어 형식으로 연계, 구축된다. 고전적인 매력과 현대적인 단순함이 매력적인 공간이다.

The atelier, gallery, and residence for mourning jewelry artist are integrated into one building at central Kyoto. Here, the designer, who specializes in commemorative jewelry that encloses hairs and ashes of the deceased loved ones, shares the jewelry making process with his guests from all over Japan.

The building is consist of the wooden frame of the traditional module, the longitudinal wooden wall forming the gate which welcomes guests, and the layers of openings which assure the transparency towards the street as the traditional townhouses.

We superimposed such rules and inserted wave walls sandwiching the staircase between the drawing-room and the production room to make the 3-dimensionally rich relations between different but continuous programs. At last, each space as working making or living space faces the city with having different distance. The programs and contexts resonate each other.

Lead Architects: Kentaro Takeguchi + Asako Yamamoto

Photographs: Kei Sugino

Unit: m2

Structural Engineer: Takashi Manda

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY