*슬로프 콘크리트 하우스 [ Govaert & Vanhoutte Architects ] Residence FSD

경사지에 위치한 하우스는 북동측에 위치한 도로와 연결, 남서측 경사지 아래로 열린 배치구조를 갖는다. 도로로 부터 하우스는 작은 입구와 주차장이 배치된 단층건물만 보여진다. 그리고 건물내부는 아래로 깊어지면서 거실을 비롯한 주요 공용공간들이 연속된다. 

The steep slope perpendicular to the residence results in a one level concrete volume being visible from the street towards the north-east whereas a full two layers opens up towards the open landscape in the south-west. The street follows a more gentle slope. The primary entrance & a small car space on the right side of the front façade is on the highest point of the terrain. Going down the road, a secondary path becomes accessible for cars on the -1 level.  Passing a wooden façade beneath the concrete mass, the path ends in the garages. 

All the day functions reside on the upper level, where the view on the landscape is at its best. A kitchen & dining room near the primary entrance share the same space with a living room and a partially separated private office. The master bedroom, dressing & bathroom are on the east of the building. A small patio floods light into the master bath room. Towards the sunny side generous terraces form the outside space. A central wide stairs connects the two levels. All measures are taken to foresee an elevator later on. In case mobility becomes an issue, the parents can primarily live on one level.




from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY