*와이너리 호텔 Ventozelo's Rural Hospitality Celebrates the Traditions, Flavours and Natural Beauty of the Douro Valley

지역문화와 와인 그리고 아름다운 풍경을 함께 제공하는 호텔이 새롭게 문을 연다. 기존 농장을 리노베이션한 작업은 지역문화를 바탕으로 지역재료와 어휘가 적용되었다.
방문객들을 위해 레스토랑, 와인바, 방문객센터 그리고 지역 와인, 올리브오일, 꿀을 포함한 지역 특상품을 판매하는 식료품 상점으로 구성된다.
여기에 아름다운 외부환경을 함께 즐길 수 있도록 수영장과 수많은 산책로가 제공되며, 다양한 농업체험을 할 수 있는 프로그램이 준비 되어 있다. 

If we had to pick one place to get away from it all, to put the annus horribilis that just ended behind us, the Douro valley, Portugal’s world-famous wine region, would be high on our list. Rolling hills covered in vineyards, orange groves and woodlands, and dotted with charming villages and age-old country estates called quintas, constitute, along with the river snaking its way between them, a serene setting of wild natural beauty. And if that wasn’t enough, there’s port, the sweet, fortified wine that has been produced here for thousands of years. Imagine yourself on the veranda of a traditional quinta sipping a glass of port wine while enjoying the sweeping views of the valley and you get the picture. In fact, you can do exactly that at Ventozelo, one of the biggest and oldest estates in the heart of the Upper Douro wine region that recently opened its doors to the public.

Thoroughly renovated with respect to its vernacular heritage, the farm has been converted into a rural hotel, complete with a restaurant, wine bar, visitors centre, and a grocery store selling local products including the estate’s own wines, olive oil and honey. With “the most beautiful pool in the Douro” to lounge by, numerous walking trails to enjoy nature on and a range of agricultural activities to participate in, Ventozelo’s hospitality combines comfort with authenticity, allowing guests to experience Douro’s traditions, flavours and natural beauty.

Carved by the Douro River and its tributaries, and moulded by local landowners that have been cultivating wine for some 2,000 years, the Douro Wine Region owes its astonishing beauty to the forces of nature as much as man’s ingenuity. Having been awarded with UNESCO World Heritage Status, the rural landscape is characterized by rows upon rows of narrower and wider terraced vineyards that line the hills as far as the eye can see –a reflection of the technological, social and economic evolution of the area. Primarily associated with port wine production, whose quality has been defined and regulated since the 18th century, making it the world's oldest regulated and demarcated wine region, the area is also known for its exquisite red and white table wines.

At the heart of such a picturesque and storied landscape, the renovation of 500-year old Ventozelo estate by Gran Cruz, the world’s largest exporter of port wine who bought the 400 hectares property in 2014, was undertaken not only as an investment in wine production, but also as a hospitality project with the intention of showcasing the landscape, history and gastronomy of the Douro region.


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