*레이어드 콘크리트 concrete to imitate geological layers

roberto benito arquitecto experiments with concrete to imitate geological layers
로베리토 베니토 아키텍토

 roberto benito arquitecto presents a residential work that expresses its search for a ‘textural architecture.’ located in córdoba, argentina, the house is defined by its exposed materials and naked, natural finishes. the team notes the significance of this material strategy in the expressiveness of the built space. the form of the house overall comprises a play of opaque and transparent elements. the perimeter sees thick, solid enclosures built of exposed concrete, cast in layers made up of different mixtures to give the appearance of earthen, geological layers



부식된 알루미늄으로 마감된 지붕으로 건물 전체를 덮고 있는 '어스 레이어스'는 지역 건축가 로베르토 베티노가 설계하였습니다.
이와 대조적으로 단층을 지지하는 콘크리트 벽은 열림과 닫힘을 반복하면서 내외부 공간을 연결하는 연결자 역활을 수행합니다.

 the roberto benito arquitecto-designed house with its ‘earth layers’ is enclosed by a monolithic roof slab finished with rusted aluminum sheeting. this large ‘lid’ spans the length of the house, and at times thickens to become a full height volume, reaching down to the ground. the partition and disaggregation of the voids provides the spaces with a continuity between the interior and exterior according to their use and privacy.

 the structure and technical functions of the roberto benito arquitecto’s house are celebrated. the large, open interior gathering space is interrupted by three large columns while much of the piping and electrical channels are left exposed, running along the ceiling and down the walls. with its smooth cement floor and partitions of metal and glass, this main room is expressed with an industrial style. two transparent faces are balanced by the two opaque faces which display a collection of books and artwork.

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY