*공중부양 하우스 This Dramatically Elevated Cabin Sits Among The Treetops

Kariuok Architects-Cabin
카리옥 아키텍츠
This Dramatically Elevated Cabin Sits Among The Treetops
Kariuok Architects have designed a modern cabin in Quebec, Canada, that’s elevated to be located within the treetops.
Local zoning rules required a 100-foot (30-metre) setback from the lake, while a cliff face at the 100-foot mark was incorporated into the design, removing the need to blast the rock.



건축가는 자연과 호흡하는 최대한의 접점을 만듭니다. 이를 위해, 호수로 부터 30미터 후퇴하여 경관을 존중하는 동시에 지면으로 띄어서 건축물의 인공적인 행위가 최소한이 되도록 구축한다. 띄어진 건축물의 높이는 주변 나무 높이로 맞추어, 나무속으로 건축물을 은폐시킨다.

To minimize harm to the hillside and forest, a zoning variance was obtained by the architects to allow the front of the cabin to hover above, rather than sit on, the 100-foot (30-metre) mark.
The cabin, which was milled offsite and then hoisted into place, has been built with suitably-sourced CLT panels and glulam beams.
By having the cabin elevated, it catches more breezes and has excellent cross-ventilation.

from contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY