*직선과 곡선의 완벽한 조화 [ Ted Synnott ] Otama Chair


"Ted Synnott의 Otama 의자: 직선과 곡선의 완벽한 조화"

Otama 의자의 디자인 특징과 시각적 언어를 탐구합니다.
Otama 의자는 오클랜드 출신 디자이너 Ted Synnott가 제작한 미니멀리스트 의자로, 그의 창조적인 여정은 몇 년 전부터 시작되었습니다. 디자인 과정은 세부 사항과 제작 기술을 개선하는 데 중점을 두었으며, 이 의자의 탄생 배경에는 Synnott의 독창적인 아이디어와 실험 정신이 깃들어 있습니다.

-디자인 과정: 각진 재료에서 둥근 다리로
Otama 의자의 디자인 과정에서 가장 중요한 순간 중 하나는 각진 재료에서 둥근 다리를 만들어내기 위한 실험이었습니다. 일부 부분은 조립 후에도 각진 형태로 남겨두어, 익숙하면서도 놀라운 느낌을 주는 작품을 완성하려는 목표를 세웠습니다. 이 과정에서 Synnott는 재료의 특성을 최대한 활용하며 새로운 형태를 만들어냈습니다.

-디자인 특징: 직선과 곡선의 조화
Otama 의자는 직선 요소와 독특한 곡선 접합을 혼합하여 균형을 이루는 디자인이 특징입니다. 이 직선과 둥근 형태의 조화는 Otama 디자인의 본질로, 엄격한 직각 구조와 부드러운 접합이 공존하는 작품입니다. 이러한 디자인은 시각적 아름다움뿐만 아니라 구조적 강도를 보장합니다.

-시각적 언어와 구조적 강도
Otama 의자의 시각적 언어는 다리, 레일 및 평평한 표면이 있는 모든 가구 유형에 적용될 수 있습니다. 특히, 다리를 단단한 재료로 만들어 더 견고한 접합부를 가능하게 했습니다. Otama 시리즈는 의자로 시작하여 사이드 테이블, 커피 테이블, 선반, 스툴로 확장되었습니다.

-이름의 유래와 제작 과정
Otama라는 이름은 뉴질랜드 코로만델 북부의 아름다운 해변에서 영감을 받아 선택되었습니다. 이 컬렉션의 각 작품은 디자이너의 오클랜드 작업장에서 주문 제작되며, 인근 사업체의 지원을 받습니다. 제작 과정은 기계 작업, 손 도구 공예 및 CNC 가공을 결합하여 최적의 방법을 사용합니다.

Otama 의자는 Ted Synnott의 창의성과 정교한 제작 기술이 만나 탄생한 작품입니다. 직선과 곡선의 조화, 견고한 구조, 그리고 아름다운 시각적 언어를 통해 Otama 의자는 미니멀리즘 디자인의 정수를 보여줍니다. 이 작품은 단순한 가구를 넘어 예술적인 감각을 전달하며, 사용자의 일상에 특별한 가치를 더합니다.

translated by ChatGPT


Otama Chair is a minimalist chair created by Auckland based designer Ted Synnott. The design journey of the Otama chair began several years ago, with a focus on refining details and construction techniques. A pivotal moment came from experimenting with turning round legs from square stock, leaving some sections square to allow for shaping post-assembly. The aim was to create a piece that feels both familiar and surprising, blending formal, linear elements with distinctive curved joinery. This balance of straight and round forms is the essence of the Otama aesthetic. The Otama Collection is characterized by its strict perpendicular structure and softened joinery. This visual language, defined by its transparent and straightforward construction, can be applied to any furniture typology involving legs, rails, and flat surfaces.

Beyond its visual appeal, the design enhances structural integrity by turning the legs from solid material, allowing for a more substantial tenon and stronger joints. Originally conceived as a chair, the series has evolved to include side and coffee tables, shelving, and stools. The name Otama is inspired by a picturesque beach in northern Coromandel. It is chosen for its aesthetic appeal and neutral meaning, making it a pleasant and visually pleasing name for the collection. Each piece in the Otama range is produced to order in the designer’s Auckland workshop, with the support of neighboring businesses. The production process combines machine work, hand tool craftsmanship, and CNC machining, utilizing each method where it is most appropriate.

from leibal


Designed by JB FACTORY