*존 포슨의 가구, 미니멀리즘의 진수 John Pawson unveils pared back furniture that is "all about the timber"

미니멀리즘의 정수, 존 포슨의 가구 컬렉션

- 집과 가구의 조화
집이 우리의 삶을 담는 공간이라면, 가구는 그 삶을 지탱하는 중요한 요소다. 영국 디자이너 존 포슨은 덴마크 제조업체 디네센과 협력하여 맞춤형 목재 가구 컬렉션을 선보였어요. 30년간의 협력은 목재의 본질을 살린 작품들로 빛을 발하고 있어요.

-목재에 대한 찬사
포슨 가구 컬렉션은 목재 판자의 크기에 맞추어 제작되었어요. 이는 목재의 자연스러운 논리와 시적인 감성을 그대로 담고 있어요.

-디자인 철학
포슨은 목재의 특성에 집중하여 명확하고 리드미컬한 디자인을 추구해요. 목재의 크기가 가구의 비율을 결정하며 조화로운 미학을 만들어내죠.

-라운지 시리즈
라운지 시리즈는 라운지 의자, 커피 테이블, 소파, 데이베드로 구성되었어요. 모두 더글라스 전나무로 제작되었고, 덴마크 현지 제작자들이 만든 작품들이에요. 소파와 암체어는 노출된 목재 판자가 특징이며, 크바드라트의 쿠션으로 장식되었어요.

-다이닝 시리즈
다이닝 시리즈는 테이블, 벤치, 스툴로 구성되어 있어요. 새로운 컬렉션에는 그림자 갭 디테일이 추가되었고, 테이블은 두 개의 더글라스 전나무 판자로 만들어졌어요. 큐브형 스툴과 긴 벤치는 단일 더글라스 전나무 판자로 구성되어 있어요.

존 포슨의 가구는
존 포슨의 이번 컬렉션은 미니멀리즘과 재료의 본질을 잘 보여주는 걸작이에요. 목재의 본질적 특성에 집중하여 기능적이면서도 시적인 작품을 만들어냈어요. 이 컬렉션은 포슨과 디네센의 30년 협력을 기념할 뿐만 아니라, 시대를 초월한 미니멀리스트 디자인의 새로운 기준을 제시해요.

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John Pawson unveils pared back furniture that is "all about the timber"

British designer John Pawson has created a collection of bespoke wooden furniture for Danish manufacturer and long-term collaborator Dinesen. Named the Pawson Furniture Collection, the pieces are each based on the span of a timber board. It marks 30-years of collaboration between Pawson and Dinesen and draws on their original furniture collection created in 1992. "This collection is all about the timber," John Pawson told Dezeen."Everything is stripped back to the logic and poetry of the wood." "It made sense for the dimensions of the timber to determine the proportions of the forms," he added. "The outcome is pieces that have an inherent quality of clarity, rhythm and repetition." The collection contains two sets of furniture the recently released Lounge Series and an update to the Dining Series. A lounge chair, coffee table, sofa and daybed each made from Douglas fir and crafted by local makers in Denmark, make up the Lounge Series. The sofa and armchair have exposed wooden boards on their sides and rear, while upholstery and layered cushions from Danish textile company Kvadrat line the seats. A daybed and coffee table are similarly composed of Douglas fir tops and legs – with the daybed also complete with layered cushions. "I wanted the upholstered elements to replicate the linear character and attenuated proportions of the timber so that they feel authentically part of a single composition," Pawson explained. "Rather than single thick seat cushions, the required depth of softness is created from a succession of separate layers, each based on the thickness of the adjacent wood." The Dining Series, which includes a table, bench and stool made from oak and Douglas fir planks, has been subtly updated to include a shadow gap detail for the new collection. The pared-back dining table is composed of two Douglas fir boards that form the top and legs, and is complemented by a slim piece of oak inserted into the shadow gap. Completing the series are cube-shaped stools and longer benches made from a single Douglas fir board and a central spine. The bench was designed to nestle beneath the dining table.

from dezeen


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