*숲과 바람의 리듬 속에 자리한 건축 [ AIDIA STUDIO ] Nicolas Bravo Market

"건축은 단순히 건물을 짓는 것이 아니라, 삶을 담는 그릇이다." – 루이스 칸 (Louis Kahn)

AIDIA STUDIO-Nicolas Bravo Market

MERCADO is a vibrant crafts market dedicated to empowering the local community by showcasing their artisanal creations and fresh produce to both visitors and tourists exploring the nearby Mayan archaeological wonders. The initiative for its development was part of a government funded program for the urban improvement of underdeveloped municipalities in Mexico, in this instance, it aimed at linking a growing tourism industry with the needs of the communities in the Yucatan peninsula.

숲과 바람의 리듬 속에 자리한 건축

1. 서론: 지역과 연결된 공간
MERCADO는 지역 사회의 자립을 돕고자 기획된 공간이다. 이곳에서는 현지 장인이 제작한 공예품과 신선한 농산물이 관광객과 방문객에게 선보인다. 유카탄 반도의 마야 유적을 찾는 이들에게, 지역의 정체성과 문화를 경험할 기회를 제공한다. 프로젝트는 멕시코의 저개발 지역 도시 환경 개선을 위한 정부 지원 프로그램의 일환으로 추진되었으며, 관광 산업의 성장과 지역 주민의 필요를 연결하는 데 초점을 맞추었다.

2. 시장의 기능과 역할
니콜라스 브라보는 인구 5000명 이하의 작은 도시지만, 이 시장은 단순한 상업 공간을 넘어선다. 문화 행사와 워크숍이 열리는 커뮤니티 센터로서도 기능하며, 교육과 웰빙을 증진하는 허브 역할을 한다. 단순한 교역의 장이 아닌, 사람과 사람이 이어지는 공간. 그 안에서 지역 주민들은 기술을 공유하고, 손님들은 그들의 이야기와 역사를 배운다.

3. 건축적 특징
건축적 관점에서도 프로젝트는 지속 가능성과 유지보수를 고려한 설계를 따른다. 가벼운 강철 구조, 착색된 강화 콘크리트 슬래브와 난간, 색이 들어간 콘크리트 블록, 그리고 점토 벽돌이 지붕과 포장재로 사용되었다. 이는 전통적인 건축 기법과 현대적 기술이 조화롭게 어우러지는 예라 할 수 있다.
건물은 8m x 8m의 구조 그리드로 배열된 7,700㎡ 면적 위에 자리하며, 50개의 점포를 품는다. 시장의 중심에는 두 개의 푸른 중정이 놓여 있다.

4. 구조와 형태
지붕은 하이퍼볼릭 패러볼로이드 형태를 띠며, 역방향 우산과 같은 곡선으로 공간을 덮는다. 이 독특한 형태는 단순한 심미적 선택이 아니다. 구조적 안정성을 확보하는 동시에, 건축과 자연을 유기적으로 연결하는 바이오필릭 디자인 원칙을 반영한 것이다. 하늘을 향해 열린 곡선들은 빛과 바람을 유려하게 받아들이고, 실내 어디에서든 자연을 느낄 수 있도록 한다.

5. 결론: 건축이 남기는 기억
이 시장은 그저 상업적 공간이 아니다. 지역과 세계가 만나고, 전통과 현대가 대화하며, 건축이 인간의 삶을 담아내는 방식에 대한 고민이 응축된 결과물이다. 공간은 단순히 기능하는 것이 아니라, 사람들의 기억에 남아야 한다. AIDIA STUDIO는 이에 대한 답을 건축적 형태로 풀어냈다. 부드럽게 흐르는 공간과 자연이 하나로 엮이며, 그 안에서 사람들은 새로운 경험을 쌓는다. 그것이 이 시장의 진정한 가치일 것이다.

Write by ChatGPT & 5osa


The market offers diverse options that promote and uphold the identity and heritage of Nicolas Bravo, a municipality with a population of under 5000 people in the state of Quintana Roo. It also doubles as a community center where activities such as cultural events and workshops promote education and well-being.

The project is a testament to our commitment to a resilient approach to architecture, prioritizing construction techniques and materials that ensure minimal upkeep throughout the building's lifespan. The building is essentially constructed with four elements: a lightweight steel structure, pigmented reinforced concrete slabs and parapets, colored concrete blocks, and clay bricks as cladding for the roof and pavement.

The building is laid out on an 8 by 8m structural grid arrayed into a 7,700m footprint housing 50 stalls. An ingenious vaulted roofing structure spans across the market only interrupted by two green courtyards at its heart. The inverted umbrellas shape a hyperbolic paraboloid roofing system; this not only reflects our dedication to form finding for architectural aesthetics and structural integrity but also integrates a biophilic design philosophy, seamlessly blending the structure with its natural surroundings.
from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY