*자연을 닮은 파빌리온 [ NEX and Marcus Barnett ] The Times Eureka Pavilion

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자연에서 왔고 자연으로 돌아가야 한다.

정원 속 작은 휴식공간으로 계획된

파빌리온은 자연을 담아 표현한다.

나뭇잎의 셀구조는 3차원 디지털 작업을 통하여

실제적인 기하학적 구조 패턴화로 구축된다.

이와 같은 패턴화작업은 자연이 가지고 있는

무긍무진한 디자인 모티브를 배경으로

재해석 과정을 통하여 여러가지 디자인으로

반영 및 표현된다.

'워터큐브','에덴프로젝트' 와 같이 자연속의

셀구조를 디자인 모티브로 표현한 여러 프로젝트가

그 실례라 하겠다.

또한 여기 사용된 팀버프레임은 재활용 플라스틱을 사용하여

다시 한번 자연으로 돌아가는 친자연, 지속가능한 건축의

디자인을 이어간다.

우리는 많은 디자인코드를 자연에서 모방하고

가져와서 재해석하여 우리의 디자인으로

만든다. 자연은 이렇게 우리에게 항상 영감을 주고

우리의 삶 자체를 풍요롭게 해주는 고마운 존재이다.

그동안 발전이라는 이름아래에 우리가 잊고 있던

자연을 지금이라도 보살펴야 되지 않을까?

reviewed by SJ

British practice NEX created a benchmark in integrated design at this year’s RHS Chelsea Flower Show in London last week, working with Buro Happold and Chelsea Gold Medallist Marcus Barnett on the creation of a pavilion for The Times Eureka Garden, in association with the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

The Times commissioned Marcus Barnett Landscape Architects to design and build the garden demonstrating a commitment to science and reflecting the focus of The Times monthly science magazine, Eureka. Barnett asked award-winning NEX Architecture to design the Eureka Pavilion, and appointed Buro Happold to provide structural engineering. Plant species chosen for the Eureka Garden reflect their benefits to society including medicinal, commercial and industrial uses underlining the fact we could not survive without them. The pavilion design brief was to reflect the same theme.

NEX Principal Alan Dempsey says: “We extended the design concepts of the garden by looking closely at the cellular structure of plants and their processes of growth to inform the design’s development. The final structure was designed using computer algorithms that mimic natural growth and is intended to allow visitors to experience the patterns of biological structure at an unfamiliar scale. The primary structure is timber sourced from sustainable spruce forests with a glass paneled roof.”

The design development of the pavilion focused on the ‘bio-mimicry’ of leaf capillaries being embedded in the walls. The structural geometry was finalized to use primary timber capillaries (300dp x 140wd) to form the basic shape and supporting structure of the pavilion, inset with secondary timber cassettes that hold the cladding. Following completion of the 3D modeling to meet architectural and structural needs, specialist Swiss timber fabricators Blumer Lehmann undertook detailed analysis and digital manufacturing of the structure.

The walls and roof are clad with recycled plastic ‘cells’ that frame views out to the garden. Rain water literally runs down the capillaries in the walls of the cube from the roof into the ground. The pavilion sits on a timber raft constructed from spruce beams.  Sand ballast fills the voids between the raft timbers to give the pavilion increased weight to resist uplift from wind loads.

Nothing will remain in the ground after the structure is dismantled and transported to the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew where it will be erected along with the rest of the Times Eureka Garden, against the backdrop of Kew’s historical UNESCO World Heritage Site landscape. It is hoped the garden will be open to the public from early July for the summer months.

Project Details:

Project: Times Eureka Pavilion
Location: London UK
Key Dates: RHS Chelsea opening May 22 2011, Kew Gardens opening July – December 2011
Client: The London Times, Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew
Architect Team: NEX - Alan Dempsey, Paul Loh, Michal Piasecki, Tomasz Starczewski, James Chung  Collaborators: Marcus Barnett Landscape Design, Buro Happold Engineering

from  buslter


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