*모바일 스페이스, 움직이는 스크래퍼 [ Damian Przybyła & Rafał Przybyła ] Migrant Skyscraper

모바일 스크래퍼는 말처럼 원통형의 타이어 중앙에 빌딩과 그린스페이스

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움직이면서 얻게 되는 공간에 대한 자유로움과

유동성입니다. 이것을 가능하게 하기 위해서 원서클안에 구축된 건축공간은

자급자족이 가능하도록 계획됩니다. - 그린스페이스를 통한

식물의 재배 그리고 이와 연계된 축산으로 독립적인 의식주를 구축합니다.-

재생된 타이어 안에 위치한 모바일 스페이스는 독립적이며

유동적입니다. 게다가 친환경적이기까지 합니다.

우리의 미래를 보여주는 단편일까요? 모바일 스페이스...

reviewed by SJ

The “Migrant Skyscraper” is literally mobile, a giant, thin tire with a building and green space in the center. The concept behind the structure is in an unstable world, people need the stability of self-sufficiency to truly be free, and the future of architecture can help provide that. By constructing a safe haven for residents ensures they will have food to eat and water to drink, the Migrant Skyscraper affords people freedom despite what natural and social disasters may come.

The building-inside-a-wheel can stay stationary for however long residents please, but, for example, if political upheaval destabilizes a region, residents can fire up the biofuel-powered engine and cruise to a new location. The structure’s exterior tire is clad in recycled rubber. Inside two buildings and surrounding green space provide everything residents need to survive, making the tire-encapsulated unit completely self-sufficient. Outside of the buildings there’s space for agriculture, including crops and livestock; within the tire, plumbing systems circulate potable, gray and black water for drinking, waste facilities and irrigation.

from  yankodesign


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