*심볼릭 홀리 크로스 성당 인 스위스 [ Walter Förderer ] Holy Cross Church in Chur, Switzerland

1960년대 알프스 산기슭에 세워진 홀리 크로스 성당은 빛과 심볼릭이 만들어내는

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reviewed by SJ

Standing at the foot of the Alps is the highly contemporary Holy Cross Church in Chur, Switzerland. Designed by Basel born Swiss architect Walter Förderer, the church evokes strong features of Brutalism. Built between 1966 to 1969, the church appears like a mass fortress that conveys a symbolic defensive attitude.

Architect: Walter Förderer
Location: Chur, Switzerland
Project Year: 1966-1969
References:  Magsmag
Photographs: Wikimedia user: Sebastian F, Blogspot user: kylähulluTumbler user: Magnus

The polygonal tower at the south west corner of the building is the dominant feature that contains four bells: the trinity bell, the cross bell, the peace bell, and the Marien bell.

The Roman Catholic Church was assembled through a layered construction, with dominant uneven forms tying in and out of each other. The dark semi-circular interior was built entirely out local and wood materials that contrast with each other creating a powerful sacred space.

More interestingly, are the numerous visible details of the structure and materials, such as the wood textured concrete, the pews locking into the concrete face, and the integration of the handrails into the composition.

from  archdaily


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