*유니크 빌라 인 이탈리아 [ Metrogramma ] Villa Urbana Domus Radicalis

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 reviewed by SJ

Located in Bolzano Italy, the Villa Urbana Domus Radicalis embraces a concept that does not show identical, repetitive residential typologies, but instead offers different residences which increases the exclusivity of each unit. Designed by Milan based firm Metrogramma, the condominium is a contemporary building that is harmoniously integrated in the surrounding urban context.

Architects: Metrogramma
Location: ,
Project Team: Andrea Boschetti, Alberto Francini, Enzo Fontana, Nicola Russi, Marco Corazza, Ekaterina Golovatiuk, Tom Hindryckx, Miriam Reuter
Structural Consultant: Stefano Moser
Technical Supplies: Milanoprogetti Spa
Construction Management: Renzo Boschetti, Rudi Lorenzi
Contractor: Prisma S.r.l.
Photos: Metrogramma, Paola De Pedri, Filippo Romano

The relationship between the different typological proposals is conceived as a landscape, made of full and empty spaces. These active innovations have allowed Metrogramma to direct its efforts to the residential intervention model.

The residential typologies are as follows: residences with gardens (ground floor), one-family villas (1st floor), loggia apartment (3rd and 4th floors), and attics with roof gardens (5thfloor). Additionally, each apartment is provided with broad loggia-balconies and terraces on each floor.

The façade is rich with precise details giving an idea of the inner heterogeneous subdivisions. The external covering is made with “Carat” asbestos cement slabs set on an understructure.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY