*교도소를 시빅컬쳐센터로 리노베이션 합니다 [ EXIT Architects ] A Former Prison is Converted Into a Civic Center

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-아이러니한 공간의 변화가 예상됩니다. 외부로 극히 단절되어야 하는 솔리드 스페이스를

외부와 적극적으로 연결되는 오픈스페이스로 변경하다니... 공간의 역발상이 기대됩니다.-

이것의 시작은 중앙홀을 기점으로 구축되어 있는 4개의 파빌리온에 새겨진 건축적 시간을 이해하고

거기에 남겨진 고독과 외로움-나쁜 기운-을 좋은 기운이 있는 공간으로 바꾸는 것에서부터

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공간설정을 위해 선행합니다.-

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외부로 부터 들어오는 가벼운 공기로 치환시킵니다. 실질적으로는 외부의 자연채광을 대량으로 유입함으로써

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다양한 커뮤니티 활동을 유도함으로써 도시의 활동적인 에너지를 흡수합니다.

이러는 동안 도시의 활동적 에너지는 문화센터 내부로 투영되면서

열린 문화공간으로 재구성 됩니다.

reviewed by SJ

When you hear about a rehabilitation project by EXIT ArchitectsAngel Sevillano and Jose M. Tabuyo – in Palencia, Spain, with a floor area of 5,077sqm and a budget of 9,675,038 Euros, it certainly grabs your attention. Learning that this is the conversion of the Provincial Prison into a Cultural Civic Center definitely locks your attention down for sure. Refurbishing a building that has been designed in XIX intentionally to leave out all natural light & minimize open spaces within, into a center that promotes social and cultural activity is one of those great challenges.

This structure was mainly built with brick bearing walls following the ‘neomudejar’ style, composed of 4 two-storey wings with another consisting of one storey.  This particular renovation is so much more then just architecture. It is the remake of a complete ideology; by breaking all inhibitions and introducing a new state of mind. Respecting the existing structure, Exit Architects refurbished the main two-storey wings by emptying their interior and placing a new independent structure to bear the new floors and roofs. Between these wings, new connecting pavilions have been introduced to break up the solitude of each wing and bring a sociable circulation throughout. The entire building is organized around a great hall that connects the 4 pavilions of the former prison. It is a diaphanous space based only on a few mild cylindrical courtyards of glass that act to illuminate and provide the structure’s backbone. Due to its central location, this space acts like the core of the surrounding circulation.

Of course the real beauty of construction lies within the structural changes which allow daylight to enter inside. For a start, the original battered tiled walls were demolished and replaced with zinc constructions. Then of course there is the implementation of large skylights were allowing for ample light into the open halls of the Center. This is a true symbolical feature as the only sense of freedom of light to enter from the higher grounds. Underneath these grounds, the spaces act as various music, multi-purpose and art classrooms. With the introduction of music vibrations bouncing across these walls, this building is certainly experiencing a rebirth into a life of culture.

In this conversion the true symbolism and rebirth lies within the prisoners’ cells.

The walls that once captured hours and hours of solitude with nothing to do, except in some cases, read have been transformed to accommodate the library. Creating virtue and knowledge this is a true architectural rebirth. Another element which has paid tribute to this new life is the bright glazed perimeter pretending to be a filter between the city and the activity of the interior.  Finally, this building has nothing to hide any more about what it is and what it stands for. Once a dark example of a community that many have not wanted to associate with, the building now hosts the community that everyone wants to get in to.  Life certainly has a funny way...

from  yatzer


Designed by JB FACTORY