*레드스톤 파사드 [ HS99 ] CINiBA

세계수준의 교육시설을 제공하는 실레지아 대학 도서관의 파사드 텍스쳐는 인근에 위치한 벽돌건축물과 동질화 하는 동시에 차별화 되는 파사드 디자인을 보여줍니다. 반복적인 패턴 속에 점진적으로 변화하는 패널 사이즈의 변화로 구성된 칸레드 컬러의 샌드스톤은 2차원적인 파사드에 공간감과 율동감을 표현합니다.

reviewed by SJ

In 2002 a competition was launched by the University of Silesia for the design of a new library that would provide a world-class didactic facility for scientific research. The flexibility the winning proposal offered proved to be its major strength when, after securing a building permit, the program was modified to also include the collections of the University of Economics with no changes to the exterior form. The Scientific Information Centre and Academic Library (Polish acronym: CINiBA) anchors the new campus redevelopment plan to be implemented in the coming years.


Architects: HS99
Location: Bankowa, Katowice,
Design Team: Dariusz Herman, Piotr Smierzewski, Wojciech Subalski
Year: 2011
Area: 2,910 sqm
Structural Design: Jan Filipkowski, Joanna Jacoszek, Jerzy Rawski, Mariusz Staszewski
Collaborators: Rafal Sobieraj, Adam Kulesza, Jacek Moczała, Wojciech Słupczyński
Client: Consortium of the University of Silesia and University of Economics in Katowice
Photographs: Jakub Certowicz, Tomasz Zakrzewski

Located at the intersection of the east-west axis that forms the spine of the campus, and the north-south axis which connects the recreational grounds by the river to land set aside for further university expansion, the library reinforces the axial organization which has so far been poorly articulated. A central university square at the foot of the library, the FORUM, generates a civic gathering place that opens onto the library’s grand three storey atrium.

The facades, clad in a repetitious fabric of rich kahan red sandstone, relate to the raw clay bricks on the neighbouring buildings without the connotation of scale inherent to a singular brick element. The exterior treatment abstracts the building’s function of organized book storing while introducing a notion of mystery inseparably connected to books.

The lack of discernible scale produces a monolith when seen from afar that is gradually familiarized. Details such as the decreasing proportions of the façade tiling, the irregular cut of the sandstone slabs, as well as the windows carefully nested inside become visible.

The fenestration projects a stunning patchwork of light onto the FORUM at night, yet in the daytime allows diffused light to permeate into the library’s reading rooms. The resulting strongly introverted interior composition of the library floors focuses one’s attention onto the books while calming the space. Partial isolation from the external world not only influences the atmosphere within but also introduces a flow of time detached from the pulse of the surrounding city.

from  archdaily



Designed by JB FACTORY