*자연과 하나되다, 키안티 안티노리 와인너리 [ archea associati ] cantina antinori winery



풍경이 아름다운 그곳, 피렌체와 시에나 사이, 키안티에 위치한

키안티 안티노리 와인너리는 단순히 와인을 생산, 저장하는 장소가 아닙니다.

외부자연환경의 많은 영향을 받는 포도의 퀄리티는

대지와 생산자의 깊은 유대관계 속에서 만들어 집니다.

이러한 유대관계가 반영된 와인너리는 자연을 존중하고 받아들이는

열린 건축공간을 형성합니다. 지면으로 부터 낮게 깔린 넓은 데크와 캐노피

그리고 이 평행성이 만드는 오픈뷰를 통한 내외부의 교감, 이와같은 관계속에

자연과 건축 그리고 사람은 하나가 되고 밀착도 또한 높아지게 됩니다.

그중에서도 원형으로 하늘향해 열린 캐노피의 시퀀스는

저멀리 보이는 포도밭과 함께 와인너리를 풍부한 공간감으로 가득차게하는

첫번째 요인인 것 같습니다.


reviewed by SJ



located in the unique chianti landscape halfway between the scenic florence and siena amongst the vast fields of vineyards, the 'cantina antinori' winery by italian practice archea associati explores the relationship between man, a product, the site and the process of manufacture in their most essential forms.
the winemaker has a very special, if not spiritual connection to the land on which his vineyards grow; there is a constant struggle to maintain quality as well as a large economical commitment to produce the best quality grape. as a result, the winery is set into the contours of the land as two horizontal cuts made from large planes of concrete, framing views and paying homage to the site and covered with a vineyard. two atria in the planes allow views as well and bring in light into all areas of the construction. the offices are located under ground above the wine cellar of undulating masonry walls and terracotta vaults that help maintain the ideal interior temperature for fermentation. the grapes make a journey from the top level where they are taken into the structure down the manufacturing process until reaching the barrels. visitors on the other hand begin at the barrels at the same level as the parking, and make their way up to crescendo at a panoramic space featuring a restaurant, auditorium, museum, library, wine tasting areas and the shop. circular holes cut into the canopy illuminate the caretaker's dwelling and guest house and create a recognizable language in the project.







from  designboom



Designed by JB FACTORY