*클래식 타워멘션 리뉴얼 프로젝트 [ IA+B Arkitektura Taldea ] Torremadariaga Basque Biodiversity Centre

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15세기 타워 하우스 그리고 18세기 추가로 확장된 멘션. 이러한 장소의 자취는

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남겨둡니다.- 타워 내부 공간-.그리고 일부분은 대지위에 새것과 옛것의 이름으로

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이러한 공간의 연결은 하우스를 자연으로 확장시켜 주위 자연환경과 퍼펙트한 하모니를

이루게 합니다. 여기에 사용된 나무와 돌 그리고 유리가 주변환경 속에 흡수된 것처럼...

새것보다 헌것, 헌것이라는 표현보다 오래묵어 시간이 담긴 것이라는 표현?이

더 적절한 그것이 좋다.

reviewed by SJ

The proposal is based on absolute respect for the existing building, which consists of a 15th century tower house with a later to which a mansion was attached in the 18th century, both examples of the Basque vernacular architecture.

Architects: IA+B Arkitektura Taldea
Location: Busturia,
Leading Architects: Iñaki Aurrekoetxea, Alex Laskurain
Collaborators: Oier Arregi, Victor Araujo, Aitzol Artetxe, Mikel Azkuna, Erramon Berastegi, Ramon Gonzalez, Asier Hormaetxea, Ignacio Lumbreras, Fernando Martin, Carmen Montero, Celia Lana, Garbiñe Olabarri, Iñaki Peralta, Saioa Zabala
Area: 3,142 sqm
Photographs: Aitor Ortiz

Based on this premise, a proposal that emphasized the historic and architectural values of these buildings was designed, housing the new public programme below ground with the only new construction visible from the exterior being punctual elements to solve access and lighting requirements.

Whilst the 18th century mansion slab structure was rebuilt, the interior of the tower was left empty to highlight the historical memories of the bare architecture of the construction. The old and new buildings are connected on the ground floor, so the mansion-tower maintains its dominant position over the landscape. This connection is considered to be a natural extension of the building itself, creating perfect harmony between the two parts and their surroundings. The selection of materials also follows a respectful attitude towards the existing architecture. using wood stone and glass as the only main materials.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY