*시간을 연결하는 어반등대, 아트리움 [ Fuksas Design ] Ex Unione Militare Refurbishment

과거의 흔적을 현재의 공간 속에 투영한다. 이렇게 투영된 과거의 흔적은

현재 도시를 밝히는 등대로 내부 공간을 밝히는 아트리움으로 재구성된다.

19세기말 역사적인 건축물 리노베이션 프로젝트에서 가장 큰 주제는

과거와 현재의 연계성에 있다. 이러한 연결고리는 기존 4층 건축물의

중앙부를 수직으로 관통하는 글래스 아트리움으로 편집된다.

불규칙적인 볼륨- 불규칙한 형태이지만 유닛화된 삼각모듈 유닛을

이용 반복하여 볼륨을 구축해 나간다. 볼륨을 유니크하게

표현하는것 보다 동일한 유닛으로 어떻게 전개하는가가

더 중요하다.-은 태양 빛을 굴절, 산란시키며 1층 부터 4층까지의

각 레벨공간 속에 균등한 빛을 유입시키는 동시에 옥상에

도시의 파노라마 뷰를 관망 할 수 있는 레스토랑으로 완성된다.

여기에 내부 공간은 화이트를 베이스로 각 공간마다 각기 다른 컬러

-오렌지, 레드, 보라색-의 버블 디자인, 현대적인 심플함으로

외관의 클래식함과 대조를 이룬다.

고유한 캐릭터를 구축하는, 과거를 현재의 공간으로 재현하는

적극적인 디자인이 참신하다.

reviewed by SJ

From the architect. A new architecture redefines the urban landscape of Rome historic centre according to contemporary taste. It’s the steel and glass «Lantern» of the “Ex Unione Militare” building, situated between Via del Corso and Via Tomacelli, that crosses the four floors of the building from the ground-floor up to the panoramic terrace with a view of the dome of the Basilica of Saint Ambrose and Carlo al Corso.

A contemporary interpretation of the historic centre has led to a minor intervention on the outside of the building, whose original construction dates back to the end of the XIX century, focusing on the renovation of the interiors and roofing. The restoration of the outside has focused on the recovering and valorization of the original architectural features of the building. The architecture of the facades has been highlighted through a minimal light design intervention, which gives a touch of contemporary to the building whilst putting it in connection to the city.

Architects: Fuksas Design
Location: , Italy
Architect In Charge: Massimiliano, Doriana Fuksas
Area: 6,116 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Gianni Basso

General Contractor: CEV SpA – Costruzioni Edilizie Vendramin
Engineering: Tecnobrevetti srl, Esa engineering
Lighting: Speirs & Major Associates

The large «Lantern» is the symbol of the project, the heart of the intervention. A steel and glass triangular-shaped structure that crosses the entire building and contains the vertical connections, the service and accessory rooms as well as part of the plants. The full-height void created by the “Lantern” generates a glimpse along the structure of the various floors, which are interconnected through gangways.

The part of the «Lantern» functioning as roofing reaches a maximum height of 7,50 metres from the floor and accomodates a300-square-metre panoramic restaurant space. From the panoramic viewpoints of the city, the «Lantern» hit by natural light takes on the appearance of an irregular mirror rather than an icy lake, whereas at night it lights up and takes on the shape of looks as a large lamp.

In the evening, the facades of the building light up and look like a theatre set, the atmospheres change and the audience can enjoy from the outside the internal show of lights and colours.

Each floor offers visitors a unique space characterized by white floors decorated with «bubbles» of different size and colour, ranging from red shades to orange and violet tones. The ground floor,  set up as a large bazar full of colours, objects and accessories is a wide and porous open space connecting via Tomacelli to the adjacent square.

The interiors have been designed by Fuksas as shiny elements inspired by children toys. They are sculptural objects with fluid shapes mostly made of fiberglass and characterized by a shiny white colour. Tables, desks, pouf, display racks, «spinning top» for garments and accessories that gently fit into the exhibition areas. The «spinning top»  fan out like petals like artistic installations. Oval-shaped mirrors reflect the interiors, lights and colours as a whole. The «Lantern» acts as a theatre wing that opens on each floor. The false ceilings light up through a range of colours recalling those of the floors. A stair of led-light-lit glass steps, with shiny surfaces, connects and embellishes the spaces.

Following early earthwork, a sepulchral monument dating back to the first half of the II century B.C. has been brought to light in the basement. The sepulcher has a structure made of tuff blocks and travertine slabs, with a pedestal higher than four and a half meters where the cell, which was supposed to be partially covered, rests. The front facing via Tomacelli is an important detail, since the present street corresponds to the old route leading to the “Portus Vinarius” along the Tevere. In order to preserve and highlight the relics, a glassy flooring has been devised, allowing the visitors a glimpse over the archeological remains.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY